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It was just an average day in the Glade, and Lizzie was bored

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It was just an average day in the Glade, and Lizzie was bored. Being a medic meant that she didn't have much to do when no one was hurt, so she was used to being bored, but that didn't mean it was any fun. It was in the afternoon, and none of the Gladers haven't got hurt yet.

She knows it's a bit selfish to wish this, but she wished someone would just get hurt so she would have something to do because she hated being bored. Since she was bored and had nothing better to do, she was helping Frypan out in the kitchen.

"It's probably smart you gave me the job of cleaning instead of helping you cook. I would ruin everything and probably burn myself in the process." Lizzie admitted.

"Nah, I'm sure you would be fine." Frypan laughed and playfully elbowed her. "And thanks for the help. It's a pain cleaning after I'm done."

Shrugging her shoulders, Lizzie smiles. "I don't mind helping. I was bored out of my mind."

"Yeah," Frypan nods. He chuckles. "I saw you walking around the Glade looking lost."

They both looked over towards the Box when they heard the familiar sound of the alarm that signaled everyone the Box was coming up. She didn't even realize it was already the day when they got a new Greenie and supplies for the month.

"Finally, something exciting happens!" She exclaimed with excitement laced in her voice, grinning as some of the Gladers nearby laughed at how excited she was for this. That was something the Gladers loved about her. She always somehow found a way to make them laugh. Plus, she just seemed to brighten up the place wherever she went with just her smile. In a way, she brought hope to the group. 

Conversation instantly filled the air, everyone wondering who the Greenie looked like, and some guessed what kind of job he would get.

"Short person coming through." Lizzie mumbled as she pushed past the boys who surrounded the Box. She made her way to the front so she could see better.

"I think you use your height for advantage," Minho comments, crossing his arms while she stands next to him. "You know you're actually not that short, right?"

She smiles innocently at him. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

He rolled his eyes even though he had a slight smile on his face.

"Alright, somebody open it up." Alby demanded while Minho and Gally stepped towards the Box gate and opened it up.

Inside were boxes of different supplies they needed and a dark-haired, scared-looking boy. He was backed up against the wall, squinting his eyes because of the blinding sun as he looked at everyone.

Lizzie jumps down into the Box since she had the job of greeting the Greenies and giving them a tour because, for some reason, whenever Gally did it, he just scared the Greenies more.

"Hi, I'm Lizzie." She greeted.

She rolled her eyes when some of the boys continued talking to each other quietly about the Greenie as if the Greenie wasn't right in front of them. The boy looked at her with wide eyes, and she knew he was surprised to see her since there were a group of boys.

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