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The  group follows Brenda up the stairs to the loft area where Jorge was at

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The group follows Brenda up the stairs to the loft area where Jorge was at. Lizzie raised her eyebrows when a song was suddenly playing over the speakers.

"We don't have much time. Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Jorge exclaimed, running around a corner, and opened some double doors that led to outside.

There was a ruined building across from them that Lizzie was surprised was still standing. Her eyes widened at seeing how high up they were.

"You gotta be kidding me..." Frypan muttered as he stared at the view in front of them with wide eyes.

"Plan B, hermano." Jorge said to him as he looked at the group. "You kids want to get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're gonna owe me."

He grabs some rope tied to the zipline. "Follow me!" He then jumped off and used the zipline to escape to the other building.

"Alright," Brenda grabs another rope that was tied to it. "let's go."

Minho was the first to go after Jorge, and the others were quick to follow. Lizzie stumbled whenever she suddenly felt floor beneath her feat, and let go of the rope. Luckily Minho grabbed ahold of her arms so he wouldn't fall.

"You okay, Liz?" He questioned.

She nods. "A little fazed, but yeah. I I'm fine."

"Alright, let's go." Jorge told them, turning to leave.

"Wait, where's Thomas and Brenda?" Lizzie asked after realizing they weren't with them. She looked back at the other building with worry.

"Brenda went to go get something, and Thomas went to get her." Teresa replied as she looked at the building with a nervous look.

The group decided on waiting a few minutes for Brenda and Thomas, but after four minutes of waiting they knew they would have to leave without them if they didn't want WICKED to find them.

Even though Jorge didn't look like he was worried about leaving Brenda behind, Lizzie could tell that he was by the shaky tone of his voice. "Brenda knows where we're going. We're gonna have to meet them there."

With a raised brow, Minho looked over at him after sharing a look with Lizzie. "Meet them where exactly?"


Jorge led them to a city that he knew was still standing, and to a house owned by a guy named Marcus that he knew how to get to the Right Arm.

"Stay together, and try to blend in with everyone." Jorge said as he looked back at the group.

Lizzie put her hands in the pockets of her jacket, looking around at the city noticing there were ruined cars scattered around, some of the buildings were somewhat ruined, a lot of tents were up on sidewalks, and there were even trash and debris around some places. She was surprised with how many people were out.

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