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Brenda leads them inside, and to Lizzie it looked like a warehouse. There were lights hung up and even some makeshift homes.

"Come on, keep up." Brenda told them. "Jorge wants to meet you."

Lizzie furrows her eyebrows at the name Jorge, wondering who the person was, but she wasn't having a good feeling about this.

They follow Brenda to another level Thomas asks her, "Who's Jorge?"

"You'll see." Brenda replied with a smirk. "No one's come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've just got him curious. And me too."

Lizzie starts getting uncomfortable and nervous when she noticed the guys following them. Minho must've noticed the guys as well because he moved closer to her, and intertwined his hand with hers.

"Anyone else starting to get a bad feeling about this place?" Newt quietly asked and Lizzie nodded in agreement.

"Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say." Thomas answered.

They walk up some stairs to a loft area. "Jorge, they're here." Brenda tells a man that's standing at a desk working on a radio. Brenda then sits on a nearby couch.

"Do you ever get the feeling that the whole world's against you?" The man, Jorge, asked the group as he turned around with his hands on his hips.

No one answered and he didn't expect them to. He walked to a table that was near him and got himself a cup of water. "Three questions; where did you come from? where are you going? how can I profit?"

The group stayed quiet, not knowing if they should tell Jorge. "Don't all answer at once." Jorge sarcastically said.

Thomas was the one out of the group to speak. "We're heading to the mountains. Looking for the Right Arm."

Lizzie looks around with confusion as some of the men chuckled when he said that. Jorge chuckled as well. "You're looking for ghosts, you mean."

"Question number two." Jorge walks towards them, stopping when he's a few feet away from them. "Where did you come from?"

Lizzie's heartbeat increased as she nervously bites her lip. Minho gently squeezed her hand to try to calm her down as he told Jorge, "That's our business."

Jorge sighed almost disappointingly and then gestures to his men to do something. Lizzie let out a small yelp of surprise when Minho was yanked away from her. Thomas was pushed to his knees and Minho went forward to push the guy away, but was held back by another one of Jorge's men.

She watchs with worry and confusion as Brenda grabs a device from a nearby table and scans the back of Thomas' neck. The two men finally let go of Minho and Thomas when Brenda was done.

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