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In  her opinion, the rest of the day past by in a blur

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In her opinion, the rest of the day past by in a blur. They trudged across the sand, losing their motivation to move forward because for one they just lost a friend, and the mountains kept looking further away every time they moved.

Soon they were too tired to walk so they rested in an overturned ship. It took a few minutes, but they also found enough wood they used to build a fire.

Lizzie used her backpack once again for a pillow as she laid on her back and put her arms behind her head. Besides her, Minho twirled a knife in his hands as he stared at the fire. "I thought we were supposed to be immune."

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa spoke up.

Newt sighs. "If Winston can get infected, we can assume so can the rest of us."

Lizzie looks over at Frypan as he spoke and a frown tugged on her lips when she noticed a tear rolling down his face. "I never thought I'd say it...but I miss the Glade."

Everyone was silent after hearing that. Lizzie honestly doesn't know if she misses the Glade. Sure she had some great memories there, but it wasn't all so great. It wasn't great being in the desert either, but at least they were free besides the fact that WICKED was never going to stop looking for them.


The next day they continued their journey through the desert. The blazing sun definitely didn't help. Lizzie had taken her jacket off at some point, and wrapped it around her waist. They all drank the water they had left, their throats becoming dry. None of them spoke, they only did if something was wrong.

After walking for what felt like years it soon got dark, and they found a flat place that they could lay on. They knew they probably weren't going to get the best of sleep, but they were exhausted so they didn't really care where they slept at the moment.

Lizzie put her jacket on before she laid down since it got colder at nights. She laid down and closed her eyes, only then realizing how exhausted she was. She barely even noticed Minho wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer. A tired smile tugged on her lips as she fell into a peaceful sleep with Minho's arm protectively around her.

She was suddenly awoken to Thomas telling everyone to get up. "I see something." She and Minho sat up as they look at what Thomas was pointing at.

"You see that?" Thomas asked everyone. Lizzie stood up along with everyone else with wide eyes as she stared at the lights that were in the distance.

"It's lights." He smiled as he looked back at everyone. They all jumped at the sudden sound of thunder rumbling. They looked behind them, noticing lightening as well.

"Okay, let's go. We gotta go." Thomas said while everyone quickly grabbed their things. They ran as fast as they could towards where the lights were, hoping they wouldn't get hit by the lightening that was randomly striking places.

Now they were almost at the building, but the lightening was striking closer to them. They ran around some cars that were in their way as they continued running towards the building.

Lizzie noticed the lightening that was about to hit Minho, and she then did something that was probably stupid. "Minho!" She yelled, pushing Minho out of the way just as she gets hit by the lightening.

Minho's ears were ringing as he looked around him seeing that Thomas was also knocked to the ground, but he seemed to be fine. He frantically looked around to find Lizzie, his eyes widening when she noticed she wasn't moving and smoke was even coming off of her from the lightening.


He quickly got up and ran over to her. He tried shaking her awake, hoping that she wasn't dead. Thomas and the others rushed over to them. "Minho, we gotta go. Just carry her!" Thomas told him, not wanting them all to be out in the storm.

Minho nodded as he picked Lizzie up bridal style while he continued running along with the others to the building. He hated how lifeless she felt in his arms. Frypan opened the door, ushering everyone inside.

Once they were inside Minho gently laid down Lizzie on the ground in the dark place they were in.

"Who's got a light?" Thomas questioned. Newt then turned on a flashlight he had that brightened up the place.

Everyone surrounded Lizzie, some of them mumbling some words along the lines of 'come on, lizzie', hoping she would wake up. "Lizzie! Come on, wake up!" Minho shook her shoulders, but she still didn't wake up which worried him.

Lizzie then let out a groan of pain while everyone let out a sigh of relief that she was alive. "What happened?" She mumbled as she looked at each of them.

"You made the mistake of pushing me out of the way." Minho scolded her which didn't really give her an explanation of what happened.

"You were struck by lightening." Teresa told her.

Lizzie then weakly chuckled. "I guess I can check that off my bucket list."

Newt looked at her as if she was crazy. "Liz, you had getting struck by lightening on your bucket list?"

Lizzie shakes her head, sending him a small smile. "No, Newtie," She replied, not failing to notice the smile that formed on Newt's face when she used the nickname she rarely used. "But now even if I wanted to put it on my list, I wouldn't have to since it already happened."

Some of them laughed at that while the others helped her stand up. "You good?" Frypan asked noticing that she was swaying a bit.

She nods as she held onto Minho's arm for support. "Yeah, just a bit dizzy."

Something then suddenly jumped out at them. The boys pushed the two girls behind them because their protective instinct took over while the Crank reached out, trying to attack them.

They somewhat calmed down when they realized that the Crank was chained. There were even more Cranks on each side of the room, chained up as if they were a dog on a leash.

The group turned around as a light turned on behind the open door. A girl stood there as she stated, "I see you met our guard dogs."

She walked towards them, avoiding each of the Cranks that were reaching out. She stopped a few feet away from the group. "You guys look awful." She commented, and they didn't say anything as they stared at her.

"Follow me." She gestured for them to follow her. "Unless you want to stay here with them." She pointed to the Cranks.

The group shared hesitant looks with each other before deciding they would rather follow the girl inside then stay with the Cranks.

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