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The  group made it to the edge of the city, just then realizing what they  were up against

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The group made it to the edge of the city, just then realizing what they were up against. As Lizzie was following the group to where the end of the road in front of the walls was blocked off, she felt as if someone was following them.

When she looked back a few times, she noticed some men in makeshift masks following them. She glanced over at Newt who was walking beside her, noticing he was looking behind them as well and she wondered if he saw the men in the makeshift masks.

"You see them, right?" She asked him and he looked back at her, nodding his head.

Lizzie takes a sharp breath while she and Newt caught up with the rest of their group. The two quickly pushed through the crowd up to where Thomas and Jorge were standing.

"Guys, we gotta go!" Lizzie quickly told them. Thomas and Jorge look at her with confusion.

Newt nods in agreement. "Yeah, like right now. Look." He looked in the direction behind them and the others did as well, surprised to see the men in the makeshift masks coming towards them.

Everyone stopped yelling when a loud siren went off. They looked to the top of the walls when they saw movement from giant machines filled with rows of bullets that were now active, aiming at the crowd. A moment of silence fell between the crowd before the first bomb went off.

The Gladers, Brenda, and Jorge quickly started running away along with the rest of the crowd. They eventually made it out without getting hurt or losing someone in their group. But that freedom was short because then people came out of their hiding places and grabbed each of them despite their protest. Once they were all shoved into vans parked by, they headed off to their destination.

The drive to wherever the people in the makeshift masks were taking them was awkward in Lizzie's opinion. She got stuck in the van with Thomas and Brenda. They stared at the two men in the makeshift masks who sat in front of them.

Soon the van stopped and they were ushered to get out. Lizzie got out along with Thomas and Brenda, her eyes scanning around the unfamiliar place. The three of them looked over when a van arrives and once they were parked, a man was thrown out of the back and Jorge was jumping out onto him, demanding for him to tell where Brenda was.

Lizzie's eyes grew wide, quickly running over to him with Thomas and Brenda to try and stop Jorge from punching the man. Thomas and Lizzie were pushed back and they raised their hands up in defense. Even though Lizzie was a bit scared, she let out a sigh of relief when she noticed Frypan and Newt were with them. She assumed they were in the van with Jorge, but she wasn't for sure and was glad they were all okay.

Brenda got Jorge to stop hitting the man, reassuring him that she was there and Jorge let out a sigh of relief.

"Everybody relax. We're all on the same side here." One of the men said which only angered Thomas more.

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