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Everything that was connected to the power generator turned on

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Everything that was connected to the power generator turned on. Minho looked over at Lizzie and Thomas with a smile.

His eyes widen. "Liz, Thomas, watch out!"

The two looked behind them and quickly backed away when a Crank jumped at them, but luckily the fence stopped them from attacking.

Lizzie had never seen a Crank before and realized how creepy they were since she saw one up close. So they turn around when they hear the screech of a Crank.

The Crank starts to move towards them, and Minho quickly grabs a metal pipe nearby, hitting the Crank with it. The Crank then falls to the floor. Lizzie's eyes widened when she noticed more Cranks coming their way.

"Gotta move! Go!" Thomas told them. They quickly ran out the double door that they came in. They were quick to close it just as the Cranks got to them. "Hold it down!" Minho suddenly exclaimed to them.

Lizzie looks at him with wide eyes. "What?" She asked as she and Thomas did their best to keep the door close, which was hard since the Cranks kept trying to open it. Finally, Minho pushed a nearby metal shelf towards them, telling them to get out of the way.

Lizzie and Thomas got out of the way just in time as the metal shelf fell in front of the door, blocking the Cranks from getting in. Lizzie turned around, shining her light everywhere since it was dark in the area they were in. She wasn't sure where they were, but she spotted some Cranks in some places, and she knew they needed to get out of there.

They took off running, and Lizzie was surprised she didn't fall while trying to run around some stuff that was in her way. When they get to the escalators, Minho makes sure she goes before him as they run up the escalators with the Cranks not far behind.

The three of them ran around a corner, and Lizzie noticed the others were standing there looking confused at what was happening. So Lizzie started yelling at them along with the boys to start running.

The others were confused at why, but their eyes widened when they noticed the Cranks following Lizzie, Thomas, and Minho. They quickly started running as the three of them caught up with the group. Aris throws Thomas his backpack as they continue running.

Frypan asked what the Cranks were as they ran up another set of escalators. "I'm pretty sure they're Cranks!" Lizzie replied.

They weren't sure which way to go but decided to leave, which was a bad idea since a Crank was in front of them.

"Aris!" She yelled, her eyes widening when Aris suddenly went towards the Crank. Aris used the metal pipe he had to swipe at the Cranks legs. The Crank lost balance, and the group backed up when it fell near where they were standing.

The group got separated and decided to go around to where they will hopefully meet Thomas and Teresa.

As they were running around the corner, a Crank appeared near them. "Lizzie, watch out!" She heard someone yell. She listened to the screech of a Crank very close to her, which increased her heartbeat. She turned around just as Minho punched the Crank, sending it to the floor.

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