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Lizzie  joined the others on the meeting they were having about what to do next  and it ended with them quickly shutting off all the lights when WICKED  security was close to discovery where they were hiding

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Lizzie joined the others on the meeting they were having about what to do next and it ended with them quickly shutting off all the lights when WICKED security was close to discovery where they were hiding.

Later that night, she had woken up to Newt telling her that Thomas was going to go after Minho and that both of them and Frypan were going with him whether he liked it or not. Lizzie, of course, was on board with the plan, wanting nothing more than to save her boyfriend.

So, now she sits in the back of the Jeep with Frypan in the drivers seat. Newt was standing nearby the Jeep, leaning against a table that had a lamp on it.

She perks up when she sees Thomas walking into the room they were in and that's when Newt turns on the lamp, gaining Thomas' attention.

"Where do you think you're going then?" Newt questioned.

Thomas sighs. "Newt..."

Newt shakes his head and walked towards him. "Don't be a twat about it. I'm already in." He grabbed the backpack Thomas was holding and walked back to the Jeep. "Come on."

"No. No, not this time." Thomas shakes his head, following Newt over to the Jeep. "Look, even if we find Minho, there's no guarantee we make it back from this."

"Well, then you'll need all the help you can get then, won't you?" Newt smirked and opened the door to the drivers seat, revealing Frypan. He then opened the door near him to show Lizzie was in the back.

Thomas scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. Newt leaned against the Jeep, crossing his arms. "Well, we started this together. May as well end it that way, too."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Newt." Lizzie comments, sharing a smile with him before she looks back at Thomas with a smile. "By the way, we're going after Minho with you no matter what you say."

"Okay." Thomas said, knowing that there was nothing he could say to stop his friends from going with him.

Lizzie looks at him with surprise. "Really?"

Thomas nods. "Let's go get him back."

Lizzie sat in the back with Newt while Frypan drove. She leaned against the window as she lost count for how long they have been driving. At some point she must've fell asleep because when she woke up, she was the only one in the Jeep, and when she looked forward she noticed they were at a tunnel.

She wipes the sleep from her eyes, letting out a small yawn as she got out of the Jeep and walked over to the boys.

Upon noticing her, Newt chuckles lightly. "Look who finally decided to wake up."

She shoves him lightly. He just laughs a bit, looking at her with an amused expression which made her sent a small glare to him while childishly crossing her arms. "I blame you guys for not waking me up." She said to him, rolling her eyes.

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