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"The tunnels are right up ahead!" Gally exclaimed over the yelling of the riot that was happening

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"The tunnels are right up ahead!" Gally exclaimed over the yelling of the riot that was happening. 

Lizzie walked behind Gally, glancing over her shoulder every once in awhile to make sure Newt, Minho, and Thomas were still with them. She bit her lip upon seeing the state Newt is in and she brought her gaze forward, hoping that they can get him the serum in time. Escaping was becoming a lot harder with Newt getting weaker. And the five teens didn't know how far away Brenda was or if she rescued all the other immune kids.

"Stay low. Stay low." Gally told them, going over to hide behind a rectangle cement planter. It wasn't that tall, but it was tall enough where the five of them could bend down and not be seen by the people on the street. 

Lizzie was kneeling on the ground next to Gally and then Minho when he knelt down after he helped Thomas sat Newt on the ground. Thomas moved over to peek out to see what was happening. Lizzie could hear sirens and yelling. When the group got to their hiding place Lizzie saw WICKED guards had blocked the street. A few seconds later Thomas quickly went to sit behind the cement planter so he was hidden. 

"Gally," Lizzie whispers, turning to face the boy who had a better view of what was happening. "What's going on?"

"Nothing good." Gally whispered back to her and sits down, leaning his back against the cement planter. Lizzie leaned over to see what was happening, her eyes widening to see that WICKED guards were lined up and had their guns ready to shoot. She went back to her place, glancing at Minho when he speaks.

Minho shakes his head. "What are they waiting for?"

Lizzie jumps, startled along with Thomas when a sudden explosion happened nearby. Yelling is quickly followed after that and Lizzie had a feeling that was Lawrence's army. Thomas was quick to hide behind the cement planter again after the WICKED guards started shooting. 

"Okay, now would be a good time to get the heck out of here." Lizzie spoke.

"Agreed." Minho nodded.

The gunfire and explosions continued causing them to get even lower. Almost all of them were completely on the ground to avoid getting hit and Minho even made sure that he covered Lizzie. He didn't want her to get hurt. 

When one explosion happened too close to them Gally says, "We gotta go. We gotta go right now."

Minho and Thomas got Newt back on his feet, wrapping his arms around their shoulders and Lizzie and Gally quickly followed them while the city was being destroyed. They were cornered into a nearby building because of a large explosion happening near them. Buildings were on fire or falling apart from explosions, the yelling and gunfire not stopping. Things were complete chaos.

Lawrence's army was storming the city, destroying anything that got in their way. They were shooting any man wearing a WICKED label and WICKED shot right back. Neither sides were winning as it seemed both were equally matched. 

Lizzie sat beside Newt, helping him sit up straighter since he was leaning over on his side and she looked at him with sad eyes. Newt was looking much worse. The black veins were growing, sweat trickled down his face, and his eyes were half-lidded. She could tell that he was exhausted and growing weaker by the second.

Thomas had got the walkie-talkie he had out to talk with Brenda, telling her they might not make it. He tried to get Brenda to take the others and go, but Brenda wasn't going to leave them behind. Brenda then told him that they were on there way to meet them and for them to meet them at a specific place.

The group managed to find a way out of the building with Lizzie and Gally in front of Newt, Minho and Thomas.

"Okay, Newt, we're almost there." Gally said to the blonde-haired boy.

"Just leave me." Newt croaked.

Lizzie glances over her shoulder at him, shaking her head. "Newt, we're not leaving you behind." She wasn't going to leave him behind. He meant too much to her to do that. She knew he meant too much to any of them to do that.

Lizzie was stopped when Gally outstretched an arm in front of her, stopping her from going any further just as an explosion happened not far away from the group and a car was blown to the other side of the street because of the explosion. Lizzie looked forward with wide eyes, quickly backing up with the boys. She knelt down beside Newt and Minho when Lawrence's army are seen running down the street, shooting their guns and yelling.

The group's attention was brought to the sky when they heard the sound of a berg flying above them. A smile tugs on Lizzie's lips, figuring that was Brenda and the others. "That's them," Thomas informs them, referring to Brenda and the others. Lizzie's smile widens, happy upon hearing that she was right. "That's them. Come on." Thomas said as he turns to Newt, reaching forward to help him up. "We gotta go."

"No, no." Newt protested, pushing Thomas' hands away with a burst of energy that suddenly appeared. He couldn't form any other words because the rest were caught on the black blood rising up from his throat. He leaned over slightly to cough it up.

Lizzie hated that Newt was much worse than earlier. The black veins that were only shown on his arm on the side of his face and even reached to the edge of his hair. His teeth that used to be white were stained black now because of the black blood spilling out of his mouth and that black blood had went down his chin, stopping in the crevice of his collarbone. 

Newt pants, leaning against the wall behind him. "Minho," Thomas speaks to Minho and they both look at each other. "You gotta run ahead, grab the serum and get back to us as soon as you can," Minho looks at him, hesitating to do what he says since he was worried about leaving all of them. Thomas nods, looking at him with a reassuring expression. "Minho, go."

"He's right," When Gally agrees with Thomas for the first time Lizzie looks at him with shock. Noticing her expression, Gally rolls his eyes and looks at Minho, patting his arm. "I can cover."

"I'll stay back with Newt and Thomas to cover them." Lizzie voiced, gesturing with a nod of her head to the gun she held. 

"Thank you." Newt puts his hand on top of Minho's hand, breathing heavy as he nods. "Thank you, Minho."

Minho knew Newt was thanking him for the last three and a half years they had remembered being friends. Minho wasn't one to be sappy, so despite the fact that this is a heartbreaking moment, his response wasn't filled with much emotion. But Lizzie did notice that his eyes were starting to get teary. Minho puts a hand on Newt's shoulder. "Just hang on. You hear me?"

Newt nods in response and Minho went to follow Gally. Before he did though Minho turns to Lizzie, cupping the sides of her face. His right thumb gently caresses her cheek, and he looks at her with worry. He didn't like leaving her in the midst of the city being destroyed but she knew take care of herself and protect herself. "Be careful, okay?"

Lizzie nods, reaching up to hold onto his left hand. "I will. You too." Minho smiled at her and nodded in response before he leaned forward to press a quick peck to her lips. Lizzie felt her face heat up and she looked at him with a smile. 

Minho quickly got up, looking back at her one more time, mouthing the words 'i love you' to her. Lizzie held up the 'i love you' sign gesture to him with a smile on her lips. Minho chuckled lightly and smiled before he turned to follow Gally. 

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