Chapter 22

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Me and my men arrive at the hangar. I drive up to the security guard.
"Identification card please." The guard asked. Then I pick up my gun and shoot him in the head. I drive straight into the hangar. Me and my men get out of the car.
We were greeted with a group of 12th street members. They started shooting at us. I took cover around a block stone. Then I got up and started shooting at them. I hit each one in the head. Killing them instantly so I wouldn't have to stop and shoot at them again.
One group of 12th street members cornered me. I threw my gun to the ground and took out 2 knives. I was prepared to fight them. Since they did have guns.
One charges at me and I cut him in the throat. I moved so fast he didn't notice at first. Then two more charge at me. On manages to grab me but then I jab him with my knife on his ribs and I slice my knife across his stomach. Then I grab the other around his neck and snap his neck.
The last one swings around his knife and I dodge all his swings. He I caught his arm and stabbed him in the heart. I kicked him to the ground.

Me and a few of my men make it through to the tent were they held Luis dad hostage. Then a group of men came and held up their hands. They were unarmed.
"Mrs. Mendez. Our boss said you can come in but alone. He said if you didn't obey he would kill him." One of the men said. What was he planning? Or was he really being serious.
"Alright." I said. And nodded to my men.
The group leads me to a hallway that ends with double doors. They open the doors for me and we walk in. I see Mr. Ortega on his knees. I could see he has been beat. Torturing him. Couldn't help but feel sympathy for the man.
"I knew you were coming to get the cop. I thought the son would come but I guess you were smarter than to bring him." Emiliano said. Everyone I see him I have more reasons to want to kill him. The list just goes on and on in my head. I narrow my eyebrow to reveal that I'm angry.
"I'm here alone. Now let him go." I said.
"Well.... you see. I'm not going to do that. I have a method of making people suffer more than death. You and your family should know this method very well. Happens to be the reason your alone." He said with a smile. He chuckles a little toward the end.
I knew exactly what method that was. Making people watch as their loved ones are killed.
"I was hoping the son would come. What his name? Luis, Right? And the little girl, Fernanda? I went to his house to search for them but they weren't at home. Guess it was luck I don't know. Anyways I found this dumb ass snooping around one of our products. So I had to teach him a lesson on were he's not called too. Minding his own business." He said.
"I'm going to make sure you go down." Mr. Ortega said to Emiliano.
Emiliano shot Mr. Ortega a stare
"Oh really? Well I guess I better show you before hand." Emiliano said.
"Boys. Pin Maria down." Emiliano said.
Before I could react 5 men pinned me down to the ground. They took all my weapons I had on with me.
"You said you wouldn't hurt him if I came alone!!!" I said.
He comes near me and kicks me in my ribs multiple times.
"Change of plans. I don't give a fuck. Your going to watch as I kill him." He said.
He grabs one of my knives and goes near Mr. Ortega.
"No!!! Stop! No!!" I screamed out.
Emiliano drags Mr. Ortega near the light and grabs him by the hair to reveal his throat.
"You want war. Huh!!!" Emiliano screamed at me. I was starting to cry. A reminder of my family murder came to my head. The worse thing is Luis will lose his father just as I lost mine. I didn't want him to go through the same things I do.
I squirm around trying to release the grip from the men but they pin me down with more force. One of them tase me and shots of pain go through my body. I was helpless at this point.
"Tell my family I love them." Mr. Ortega said.
Then Emiliano cut his throat open. Blood falls from his throat and mouth like a waterfall.
"No!!" I yelled. Mr. Ortega's body falls to the ground. Blood filling the floor. Staining it read. His eye were open. They stared at me. What was I going to tell Luis. That his father is dead. I couldn't do it. I move around screaming.
"More will die around you. You did this Maria. All you. Let's go, boys." He said. The men release me but I'm to shocked to move. They leave in their trucks
By the time My men, Veronica, and Jesus came in. I didn't move a muscle.
They all didn't say a word. Veronica helps me up. But all I do is stare at Mr. Ortega's dead body.
Jesus tell my men to put his dead body in a bag. We were going to take it to Luis and his family.
"It wasn't your fault, Maria." Veronica said.
"Yes it was. I couldn't save him." I said.
"You can never protect anyone in this game." She said.
She helps me into the car. I didn't notice I had blood all over my shirt and hands. I start to freak out because i remember Mr. Ortega's blood on the floor.
"Hey. It's alright." Said Veronica. She was the closest thing to a best friend or a sister I had in this life. She helped me out when I needed it. I hug her and she hugs me back.
We drive off to my house. I wasn't ready to break the news.
We arrive at the ascienda. We all walk into the living room. I sit on the couch speechless.
"I'll go get Luis." Said Veronica.
"Here some tequila to calm down your nerves." Said Jesus handing me a shot. I dows the shot.
"Thank you." I said to Jesus.
Luis, Mrs. Ortega, and Fernanda come running in followed by Veronica.
"Where is he?" Luis asked. Looking around the room. I look at him trying not to cry. He looks at me with blood stains.
"Where is he, Maria?" He asked again.
Jesus comes in with the body bag. I get up and Luis and his family follow me. I was shaking as I unzipped the body bag.
Mrs. Ortega falls to the ground as he sees his dead husband. Fernanda fall to her mothers embrace. Luis starts to cry. Luis starts to throw things around the living room.
"I tried to save him Luis." I said.
"I should have came with you. Why didn't you didn't you let me" he said.
"Because he told me what he wanted to do. He wanted to make you watch him kill your father!! I couldn't let you see that. Like me. Or he was planning on killing you both and make me watch." I said.
"I have to kill him." He said. He grabs a gun and heads for the door. I stop him before he could go out.
"No. Not yet ok." I said.
"What do you mean not yet?!! He just killed my father. He has to pay for this." He said.
"Your not thinking straight right now." I said.
He paces around the room.
"Promise me one thing. You'll kill him, Maria. That you'll fucking kill him. Make him pay for all he's done." He said.
"I promise." I said. He falls to the ground and sobs. That's one promise I was willing to commit. He had to die. He causes pain everywhere he went. And he enjoyed that.

This process was going to be slow. But eventually it had to happen. Emiliano had no family. I killed his only living brother and cousin. He was going to fall. His cartel was losing power as I took it. I'm going to kill Emiliano.

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