Chapter 30

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I order my men to dump the captives bodies out. I head out of the room and into the entrance ready for the siege. I see everyone looking at me covered in blood. My uncle and Luis look at me with working eyes. I ignore them and grab guns, ammo, night vision goggle, and grenades. I see Luis talking to my uncle from afar. Then my uncle walks towards me. I look down as if I was busy. 

"We need to talk." he said.

"I'm busy." I said.

"This won't take long." he said as he leads me to the kitchen. no one was there.

"What did you just do?" he asked me looking deep into my eyes. "Did you just kill more 12th members."

"I did so what?" I said.

"Because I saw you the whole time you were down there." He said. 

"Why were you spying on me. It's none of your fucking business ok!" I said.

"Yes, Yes it is because your still my niece like it or not I can still tell you what you can and can't do." He said. 

"No because in the mother fucking boss around here now." I said into his face.

"Your so bloodthirsty. It's not a good thing, ok. Me and Luis and everybody else can see it but you can't." He said. 

"Yeah well what we are about to to isn't any different from what I just did in there." I said.

"Yes it is, because we're not killing them brutally like you did I there!" he yelled out. I see him stare at me tears flowing down his face. I rarely see him emotional.

"I'm sorry ok!. I'm sorry in what I have turned you into. I made you this...this.... THIS MURDER!" he yells out. I don't have any emotions to show in what he just said. This might have just been my destiny. I embrace it now. Its to late to go back. Old Maria was gone forever. New Maria was here to stay. She was a ruthless killer. She didn't care what her enemies think. This was me now. 

"Maybe this was who I was meant to be, Tio." I shrug my shoulders as he wipes away his tears.

"I'm sorry, brother." he said.

"I'm not." I said in a stern voice. Looking at him seriously. 

"Come on we have to get going." I said as I left him in the kitchen. Right now I didn't need his opinion about how much I've changed. Hell he was the one that told me about changing. Why did he regret it now when it was too late. The world was too cold for someone to kind and selfless. In this game, that would get you killed. 

I head out the door and all of mine, Hasashi's, and Armando's men were ready. 

"All of the men are positioned out in the field." said Veronica. I nod at her.

She smiles at me and says, "Make hime pay for what he did to you." I felt like Veronica understood this new me more than the old one. My uncle and Luis come out of the house. I see Mrs. Ortega and Luis' sister hug Luis. I knew he had to make it out alive. 

"Let's goo!" I said. Veronica, my uncle, Luis, Jesus, and me all rode in the same car. While the men trailed behind us in their cars. Hasashi and Armando were already at the field. Veronica takes out a cigarette and lights it. She offered me one so I took it. I can just see my uncles facial expressions as judgement. Veronica lights up my cigarette. I knew this plan had to workout. We practically outnumbered them, but that might not give us the advantage. They could out smart us. I let out a big chunk of smoke as I see out the window. How dark it was outside. Basically pitch black.

We arrive to one of the corners of the field where Hasashi and Armando were waiting for me. We all get out of the car as I take one last puff of my cigarette and throw it on the ground. Some of the men that were following us trailed back to the other corners of the field.

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