Chapter 8

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I have a nightmare in the night.
I dreamt about the man I killed. I could hear him talking and screaming. I wake up screaming and crying. I was hyperventilating and could control myself. My face was wet from all the tears.
My uncle comes running into my room. He sees me screaming.
"'s ok. You had a nightmare. It's ok I'm here for you." He said as he hugged me.
"I sawwww....I...I saw him. On the floor. B....bbbll...blood on my hands!!!" I say.
"It's ok. It was just a nightmare. Don't worry." He said.
I don't know how long he has me in a tight hug. I start to calm down a little. He lets go of me. I wipe off my tears from my face. Still breathing in heavily.
"Are you ok now? Or do you want me to stay?" He asked.
"No I think I'm fine now. Sorry if I woke you." I said.
"No it's ok. I had a nightmare too." He said.
"What was it about?" I said.
"It was about.......about my family." He said. He gets up to leave.
"Hey.....I wanted to ask you if I could hang out with someone i met at the fair? Maybe help me get distracted from my nightmares." I asked.
"Well....Maybe I'll just have to see."he said.
"Ok goodnight." I said
I didn't sleep for the rest of the night. Fear I might get a nightmare again. I was restless. Like I saw my reflection on the mans eyes. Dead and cold. Knowing they were going to hurt my family doesn't help me get over the fact I killed someone. What if he did get the information to the enemy? What if they know that my family was alive. They know who I am. But they would have already done something to her. But she saw light in this life. And that was Luis. He made me feel warm and calm. I know we don't really know each other that well but I felt like we had a connection somehow. Then I thought. He doesn't know who I am. What I'm going into. What if one day he finds out. What will he think of her then? He will eventually find out.
It was morning already. I was ready for training with my uncle. I was tired since I didn't sleep after I had my nightmare. All I did in the night was go through my thoughts.
I met my uncle in the training room. He had weapons that took up a whole wall. Then there were weights and training equipment for exercise.
"Good morning. Didn't sleep well after the nightmare?" He asked
"No....I couldn't. What are we going to do today?" I asked.
"I'm going to train you on how to use the guns and simple self defense moves." He said.
"Ok. Sounds good." I said.
We walk up to we're he has a small table set up for me. I see there is a custom made hand gun. I admired its bueaty. It was black and gold. It had the grim reaper on the grip. I thought it was pretty cool gun.
"It's yours. I had it made for you." He said.
"So I can carry it around?" I said
"Yes as soon as I teach you how to use it." He said.
I couldn't ever really imagine myself with a gun. But now I really needed it.
He taught me how to assemble and de assemble.How unload and reload the gun. Then showed my how to shoot perfectly. Turns out I'm not to bad at shooting. Just need more practice.
"Your dad was really good with guns. He would always shoot straight in the same spot." He said.
He taught some self defense moves for when someone came up to me in surprise attack. Turns out I'm a natural at fighting. Also I was in the wrestling team in my school back in California so that gave me an advantage. I don't know how long we were training but it was a long training day.
"You know how you asked me you wanted to hang out with someone you met yesterday?" He asked.
"Yeah.....what about it?" I said.
"Welll...since I see you can defend yourself very good. I'll let you go. But you have to have your gun on you all times and I'll have a guard accompany you." He said.
"Really? Wow thanks." I said running up to him hugging him. Almost like I did with my dad.
"I won't be out to late." I said as I left the training room.
I change into something casual. I take my car keys and head to the garage. He guard was waiting for me so we could leave. I get in the car and drive off. The guard sat in the passenger seat. I stop by the fair. We get out of the car and I start to look for Luis. I find him around the food court. I start to run towards him as my guard walks behind me. Luis sees me and waves out at me.
"Hey. I didn't think you would be here?" Luis said.
"I thought you might be here and I wanted to see you." I said.
"Well you read my mind I also wanted to see you. Come sit I'm in my break."
"What you work here?" I asked
"Yeah only in the summer. Who's the big guy?" Luis asked.
"Oh he guard." I said.
"Oh...your uncle very strict huh?"
"Yeah. Very overly protective." I said.
"So tell me more about yourself?" Luis asked.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't know where to start off.
"Well like what?" I said.
"Tell me what is your favorite color?" Luis asked
"I like the color black. Makes me feel good when I wear it." I said.
"I bet it does." Luis said.
"What do you mean?" I said.
"You know. Your not like other girls here. Most of them here aren't really very committing as you. Your more opend minded. You seem very nice to people. I like that." He said.
I didn't know how to respond. Was I really like this.
"Your look like you have good taste in music as well. Who do you listen to?" He asked.
"Well it depends on my mood. I love BMTH, The NBHD, Arctic Monkeys, Zayn, and 5sos." I said.
"Huh... We have the same mucus taste. I love all those artist." Luis said with a smile.
We stare at each other what seems like forever. He reaches out his hand and takes mine. He smiles at me. Are we falling for each other.
"Look. I wanted to tell you this since I first saw you. But I feel like this attraction towards you. I don't know what quite it is yet, but I know I like you. I wanna get to know you more. Would you like that?" He said.
I stay looking into his eyes.
"I think I would like that very much." I said.
"Every night I think of you since we met. Your the star I look for at night. Brighten up my nights." He said.
"All I know is you not something to lose. That's all I'll be thinking about. You." Luis said.
He hugs me. He smells of roses. I like it. We let go.
"Good night, Maria"
"Goodnight, Luis" Both smiling at each other as we leave.
As I drive home. I can't help but smile most of the way. Thinking about Luis. He makes me feel loved. Haven't felt that way before I got here. I can feel like we are going to be something.

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