Chapter 4

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It got dark very quickly, and so did my thoughts come to take over me. I started to think about my family. If they got the white lie the police told them. Did they think I was dead? Or did they not know yet? Even if they didn't know right now. Eventually they will. I imagine the feelings they will feel. I don't want to do this to them, but I have to. For their safety. I could care less what they would do to me. I just didn't want them to be harmed.
What will be of my life now? What will happen to my life that I had back in California. I couldn't even keep myself together. I had a panic attack. I felt as if I was drown in my own thoughts. I can't breathe or move. I thought if it was easier to stay or was it easier to go. I didn't want to know and I didn't want to choose. To live or to die. My uncles words were stuck to my brain.
"This life will change you in way you never thought you could."
I wanted it to stop but it got worse. I was restless the whole night. I have became paranoid. Was this the feeling he was talking about?
Night drew to day. The guards opened my door and my uncle came in. "Buenos Días. It's time to eat." He said with a smile. He knows he got to me. Which made me mad.
He walking in front of me into the dining room as two guards were next to me. I eye one of their knives. I was careful and pulled it out.
As we reached the table my uncle pulled out a chair for me to sit. As I got close to him I was going to strike him. As I got closer to him almost arm to arm I pull the knife on him. Before I could stab him he caught my arm and pushed me back. He has the knife in his hands now. He picked me up and has the knife near my throat.
"I told you not to try anything. You can't escape this life now. No matter how much you try. It was bound to you since the day you were born. I could kill you right here right now for that stunt, but your family so I can't." He said whispering close to my face. He lets go of me and motions me to sit.
He silent as the maids serve us our food. I've never could understand why rich people pay other people to do stuff like serve them their food, cook for them, clean their big houses, etc. like they couldn't do it them selves.
"Your family already knows. They found out of your "death". They held your funeral this morning." He said.
I was in shock again. I started to cry and scream. I can't believe my family think I'm dead. I will never be able to see them again. I imagined to look on my parents faces. The way my little brother must feel. "I can't believe this!!!" I said shouting. "How could you do this to your brother's family!!!"
"He had it coming!!! For stealing!! Don't think this doesn't hurt me but he started all of this. All this it's his. This is his family's business. The cartel is all his doing. Even if he tried to escape it himself it will always find its way back to his family." He said.
He was right and it did. I was the one to take this into my own hands. Even if I didn't want it to. No matter how much I try it will come back to me.
"I'm sorry it had to be you. But business is business. It's like a monarchy." He said.
"Today I'm going to show you how to be a leader. Your going to take control of this one day. You need to be prepared for it physically and mentally." He said as he got up from his chair. "In your room I got you some clothes for you to change and take a shower. I'll come and get you in an hour." He said as he started walking. Before he leafy the room he stopped and said, "oh....My name if Rafael. I'm your Tio Rafael. Though you should know now." And then left. The guards dragged me back into my room again. I'm alone again. Maybe I'll have to get us to from now on.

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