Chapter 2

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Monday. Harry hated Mondays. Occulmency lessons were on Mondays. Harry hated Occlumency.
The first Occlumency lesson had been a wretched disaster, and it had all gone downhill from there. Every Monday was the same: the Potions Master would invade Harry's mind again and again, but there would be no positive result of any sort from their lesson.
Harry would see his memories flash before his eyes and Snape would become angrier and angrier, all the while hurling insults at him - and Harry would have to take it all without a word. In the beginning, Harry's quick-temper had made him retort but this had only led to more angry words, detentions and point deductions. In the end, Harry just got used to it, he simply had to force himself to stop caring.

The end of those tedious lessons would find Harry both physically and emotionally exhausted, ready to collapse into bed for another night of restless sleep. Harry thought that this Monday would be the same: he would go to the lesson, endure the attacks, suffer the insults and try not to break down before the night ended.

Seven O'clock and it was time for Remedial Potions. Harry forced himself down to the dungeons to where, awaiting his arrival, would be another brutal night of painful, unforgiving attacks on his mind. Harry tried, he really did, but how was one supposed to clear their mind? How could he think about nothing, empty his mind of conscious thought and just... be? Harry did not understand and, at this point, he did not want to understand because, as far as Harry knew, Professor Snape could not have cared less whether he learned Occlumency or not.

Dunderhead - A Harry Potter story: Snape becomes Harry's mentorWhere stories live. Discover now