Chapter 28

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Dumbledore frowned at Severus, and he knew that they were sharing the same thought: might the offending results be permanent?

It was the next morning, and four little lumps still remained in four large hospital beds. Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Draco Malfoy, and Harry Potter had demonstrably not reverted back to their true ages.

Madame Pomfrey was in her office. She came out with a handful of papers. "I have the letters to send to the children's parents." She offered.

But Dumbledore frowned. "No, Poppy, I would rather we did not inform parents."

Madame Pomfrey stared at him. "But Headmaster!" She said, scandalised, "the parents need to know! If a child under Hogwarts' care has been incapacitated for longer than twelve hours, the parents must be informed." She recited breathlessly. "It's unlikely for a parent to come rushing to the school, but we always let them know if their child has been involved in an acci-"

"Some accident!" Severus growled, glaring at Neville Longbottom's sleeping form. 

"-or has been more seriously harmed." Poppy finished, looking reproachful.

Dumbledore nodded at the witch politely. "You have always done your duty superbly, Poppy, but I beg you to leave it this time. As it is, Professor Snape and I will be sorting out the particulars." Dumbledore said, and Severus looked sharply at Dumbledore.

Oh would he? Well what unbridled joy did this news bring!

Poppy looked like she wanted to argue but just then there was a piercing scream. Severus jumped in shock but gathered himself quickly, feeling ridiculous. Who in Merlin's name was being murdered?
"Potter!" Severus shouted angrily, seeing the little lump settled in the bed nearest to the door of the hospital wing thrashing about under the white sheets. Severus thought that Potter looked like a ghost trapped in its own skin. The sheets went still at Severus' shout and Dumbledore walked over with light, measured steps. He placed a hand on the quivering cover and it stilled. The three adults were silent as they listened to the little boy's breaths become deep and even: Potter had fallen back to sleep almost as quickly as he had woken.

"Why is Mr Potter still having nightmares?" Madame Pomfrey said quietly. She looked deeply unnerved but she relaxed slightly when Dumbledore patted her shoulder gently, saying, "I expect that Harry is the exception to a regular child's night terrors."

Severus glared at Dumbledore. "Can I go now? I have work to do." Severus wanted to leave, he desired nothing more than to return to his rooms, sleep the morning away in his bed, get up and drink an unhealthy amount of black coffee some hours later, and finish the day grading papers as though he had nothing more to worry about than how much red ink he was going to get through in marking abysmally written work.

Instead, Severus heard a small thump sound, and he turned to see a little girl sitting on the floor with a look of surprise on her round, pink face.

Hermione Granger had fallen out of the high hospital bed. Severus braced himself for the crying to start, but the girl did not wail. She looked over at the adults surrounding Harry's bed and walked over. She looked set and determined.

"Harry?" She said uncertainly. "Harry." She repeated, this time with more conviction.

"Indeed, Miss Granger!" Dumbledore said, looking delighted. He surveyed Hermione over his half-moon glasses with interest. "Are you aware of your surroundings, Miss Granger? Do you know what has happened to you?"

Hermione looked as though recognition was dawning on her but then something that was growing in her eyes faded, and she scrunched up her face comically. Severus was acutely aware that this action could be an implication for an oncoming and potentially fatal bowel movement.

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