Chapter 30: PROVIDE

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Feed them. 

That was Severus' first plan of action. If the boys were fed they would become sleepy, and if they fell asleep Severus could remove them from his sight and pretend that they did not exist. His hopes were in vain, he realised when a small hand grasped the hem of his long cloak and tugged, hard. "Mummy?" Enquired a small but surprisingly arrogant sounding voice.

Severus looked down his nose to glare at the offending child. "Mr Malfoy, do you really claim so little intellect that you fail to distinguish me from your own mother?" He demanded, horrified by the title that his godson had bestowed on him. Severus prayed to any existing benevolent being above that Draco would not remember any of his words or actions once he had been returned to his older self. Severus only wished that he himself could forget it all. 

Draco, in reply, wiped his nose on his sleeve (Severus pulled a face) and shifted closer. Severus had been attempting to grade papers, however his nerves were uncharacteristically frayed and he had got no further than splashing some red ink over a second year's wobbly-written title.

"Who are you?" Draco asked, speaking politely enough this time.

Severus barely restrained the low growl in his throat as he replied, "Your Professor and Head of House. You have been infantilised by a potions accident, which you caused." Severus replied, hoping in vain that the boy might suddenly remember and transform before his eyes.

"Oh." Said Draco. Clearly he had no idea what Severus was talking about. However, the young Malfoy recognised the tone of voice in which Severus had spoke; it reminded Draco of his father, just before he was about to get a smack. Draco's lip started to wobble accordingly.

"Don't. You. Dare." Severus whispered, his fear hidden behind a mask of anger. 

A cry broke from Draco and bounced off the walls, echoing in the dungeons and sounding like a poorly tune string instrument played at full, ear bleeding volume. Lucius Malfoy's son cried like he had just understood the event that had transpired over the last few hours and was appropriately distraught about it.

Severus felt like screaming too. "Stop that!" He shouted at the child. The anguished sounds made by Draco seemed to increase at his teacher's tone, and Severus looked around desperately for something to stop the boy from perforating his eardrums. Ah! There, on the top of his bookshelf was something that might distract the boy! 

Severus stood up but Draco, to Severus' misery, followed after him like a floppy sponge. Severus reached for the glass ball on the highest shelf of one of his cabinets. The divination globe was covered in a thick fur of grey dust and Severus spelled the grime off with a flick of his wand. He bent down to Draco and thrust the globe in the boy's face. "Amuse yourself," he said firmly. "This is one of your Professor's globes," Severus explained, trying in vain to moderate his tone to calm his godson. "She used to wave it in my face and offer, most unwelcomely, to tell my fortune." Severus paused to glare at Draco. The boy's cries had slowed enough for Severus to relax just a little. "I swear, Draco, if you tell me that you can see a dark figure approaching, or the grim, or a circle of seven, I will remove you from my chambers." Severus told him. 

Draco took the glass ball hesitantly. He had stopped wailing, though he continued to sniff. He wiped his nose on his sleeve with one hand as he held the glass sphere in the other. The ball was about the same size as a quidditch bludger.

"Right. Good." Severus said tensely, slightly put out by the rapid change of heart in the boy. How could a child be so temperamental? "Now, go and sit over there." Severus ordered, pushing the boy towards the leather armchair, upon which Draco had originally been placed in. 

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