Chapter 18: COMFY CHAIRS

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Once Snape had returned to his chambers, having apparated a short way outside of Hogsmeade before walking into the little village, he had sent his second patronus of the evening to the headmaster, demanding that he come down to Severus' office as a matter of urgency. Then, Severus hurried to his office and paced the floor in an agitated manner, throwing annoyed glances at his door every now and then. Finally, Dumbledore knocked lightly and entered Severus' office. The headmaster wordlessly took a seat in front of his former student's desk, summoning tea with a deft flick of his wand. He handed Severus a cup in a delicate paisley pattern and leant back in the previously straight-backed chair; which he had transformed into a comfy chintz armchair, complete with velvet pillow. Dumbledore kicked something heavy out from under his feet. "Ah." He said, looking slightly sheepish.

Severus frowned at him in disbelief.

"Force of habit, I'm afraid," the headmaster explained. "I so often add a pouffe to a chair arrangement that I quite overlook its suitability sometimes." The headmaster took in Severus' look of annoyance, "I'm sure I can do without the luxury this evening." He said quickly.

Severus could not believe that the ancient wizard sitting before him, a man who had fought and won against one of the darkest wizards of his time, Grindelwald, could be so facetious at a time like this. Severus had clearly asked him here with bad news. "Can we refrain from the frivolities, Albus. I cannot do it tonight." Severus said sharply. He didn't quite put his head in his hands but it was a near thing. Albus Dumbledore nodded in a business like way and waved his wand, causing the pouffe to vanish. He put his half-moon spectacles on the desk in front of him and inclined his head at Severus in an invitation for the professor to speak.

Severus wasted no time in explaining the events of the Death Eater meeting. He spoke about the Forest of Elder that the Dark Lord had discovered and, though Severus fully expected Albus to start at this, the headmaster did not move his attention away from his half-moon spectacles, which he was cleaning in slow, circular swipes.

"The Dark Lord wants us to make the move with him to the Forest of Elder over the course of two weeks." Severus told him. He was feeling restless and felt the need to pace to expend some of the nervous energy that always plagued him after a meeting. Severus watched Dumbledore for a reaction but the man was still wiping his glasses, picking at an imaginary smear of grease with one finger as Severus waited impatiently for him to speak. Severus continued when Dumbledore remained silent. "The Dark Lord did of course leave me out of this move. I have been thinking though... I do not understand why, when the protective enchantments take little time to cast, that he needs two weeks for us to move. I think he wants to transport something else, some kind of equipment. Why else would this all take so long otherwise?" Severus seemed to be asking this last bit to himself. Dumbledore certainly seemed to be only half listening. "Will you put those damned glasses away and listen to me!" Severus snapped, finally losing his patience. 

The headmaster slowly folded his spectacles and slipped them into an invisible pocket on the inside of his layered robes. "But you haven't finished, Severus. There is something else, isn't there? Something more worrying for you than the forest." He pressed.

Severus did not gape at Dumbledore as he watched the man take out a pocket handkerchief to wipe his hands. Were they greasy or something? Ah. The man had been at the sticky puddings again during his break from his correspondents. Still, Severus wished passionately that Dumbledore would not look at him like that, as though he could see straight through him.

"Potter is involved, as per bloody usual." Snape affirmed bitterly. Didn't he save that arrogant boy's life enough?

"I see. And what does Voldemort want with Harry?" Dumbledore asked. They might have been discussing the pros and cons of magical stirring rods. 

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