Chapter 1

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Severus Snape, the esteemed potions master, Legilimency and Occulmency expert, sat at his office desk moodily. Another Monday had come, another night to be wasted, another hour of tiresome frustration, another lesson of Potter making a complete and utter mockery of the refined art of Occlumency. As if Severus did not have enough on his hands, Dumbledore had to shove Potter onto him for hourly sessions of Occulmency every week - every Monday, to be exact. This was precisely the reason why Mondays were the Potion master's least favourite day of the week.
A large stack of third and fourth year essays sat in two neat piles on his desk. The clock hanging on the stone wall of his office showed the time to be exactly five minutes before seven.
Potter should be here any time now, thought Severus as he scribbled a harsh, spiky lettered 'D' on the paper before him. Was it just him, he wondered, or had children these days ceased evolving? It was true, the homework he marked, instead of getting better, seemed to get worse as the year wore on. Where had all the competent students gone?

Severus sighed inwardly when he heard a tapping at the door, announcing Potter's arrival. Severus flicked his wand and the stack of essays flew away as he uttered one, single word: "Enter."

Dunderhead - A Harry Potter story: Snape becomes Harry's mentorWhere stories live. Discover now