Chapter 29: FLOO

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Severus Snape had been vexed by the antics of Albus Dumbledore many times in the past. However, being coerced into looking after two children, formerly his students - and for who knew how long - topped anything that the old wizard had ever put Severus through before.

When the headmaster had left Severus with the two boys, Severus had been unable to speak for a full three minutes. What was he supposed to do? Was Dumbledore really serious about this? Maybe the old man would sweep back in, raise both hands at Severus and say, "I was only trying to give you a conniption, m'boy! No need to panic, it was merely a friendly test of character!" Severus stood for a few moments to watch the hospital doors. Dumbledore did not return.

"Go and take your young charges to your rooms. Settle them in." Poppy suggested, having evidently decided that Severus had stood frozen to the same spot for long enough.

Severus blinked. "I'm not taking them." He said quickly.

"I don't think you have a choice. I think you know that you don't have a choice too." Poppy said promptly, as if she had been expecting a fight and was feeling quite ready to handle it.

Severus could tell that the medical witch resented the responsibility that had been entrusted to him. Severus was feeling quite bitter about the situation himself though. To find himself lumbered with a bleary-eyed Draco Malfoy in his arms, and a tiny Harry Potter trailing behind, really encouraged ideas of inordinate amounts of daytime drinking. Severus shook his head to rid himself of depressing thoughts. He was not his father. Even in this situation, Severus would not resort to self destructive tendencies. Instead, he ordered Potter to grip the back of his cloak. To his resentful surprise, the boy did so. Severus was not going to inadvertently lose either child before he had had time to decipher a non-incriminating way in which to accidentally on purpose lose one, or both of them.

Poppy let Severus use her fireplace to floo down to his dungeons, so as to avoid walking through the corridors with the embarrassing load, and Severus tried to be grateful for small mercies. When Severus stepped into the fireplace, crouching low to avoid scraping Draco's forehead on the rough stone, he only then truly resigned himself to this new responsibility. At least the students had no recollection of their former selves... that fact would make it easier for Severus to instil order from the beginning, especially when dealing with Potter. Not to mention Draco's slyness these days...

Severus felt a body wrap itself around his leg suddenly, and he nearly fell over in shock. Potter's head came up to his knee and Severus looked down at the boy. He very hesitantly placed a hand on the child's shoulder and gripped it, hard enough to hurt.

Madame Pomfrey threw a pinch of floo powder into the fireplace flames and Severus spun away into nothing with Draco held in one arm, and James Potter's infantilised son grasped by the bony shoulder with his right hand.

Severus clambered out of his stone fireplace, inelegantly. He was lumbered with a heavy Draco Malfoy, and he found himself wondering just when Lucius' son had been so plump and heavy. Severus glanced down at Potter. The boy had released his leg and walked out of the fireplace to stand at the side of it expectantly. It looked like he was waiting to be told what to do.

Severus was unnerved. Was Potter luring him into a sense of false security? Surely the boy could not be so obedient. Severus dropped Draco onto the enormous leather armchair that faced the fireplace. The boy's lip wobbled a bit as he was put down and Severus quickly distracted Draco by waving his wand to cause the chair to start rocking. A smile slowly spread on the boy's face - a reaction that made Severus' lips quirk upwards briefly before he mentally stamped down his own reaction and schooled his expression into one of indifference. It was just that, regrettably, Severus had momentarily experienced a feeling of pride in his quick thinning, and he had to remind himself that he was not looking out for teenagers any more. Severus also had to admit to himself that when he looked down at Draco Malfoy he felt slightly sickened. Severus was not a parental figure. He could be a disciplinarian figure, yes, but no more, and yet he had to look after a child. No, not one but two - much worse. Part of his responsibilities would include cleaning the brats, putting them to bed, and disciplining them if they were naughty (which Severus was wholeheartedly expecting him to be).

He, a long suffering enemy of James Potter, ex-friend of Lily Potter's, renounced evil Death Eater and double spy, had been put in charge of The Boy Who Lived. If the effects had not worn off in the next forty-eight hours, Severus was going to do something... regrettable.

Dunderhead - A Harry Potter story: Snape becomes Harry's mentorWhere stories live. Discover now