Chapter 17: SUMMONING

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When Severus Snape felt a blistering heat on his forearm he did not flinched or drop the books that he was holding. Instead, he calmly set his papers aside, entered his rooms, changed his robes, collected the black mask sitting on his small bedside table, and made his way to the hidden door. All this he did in a methodical and collected manner. He sent a patronus to Albus, as was their agreed way of alerting the headmaster to a summoning, and left.

The Death Eater meeting was brief but the information and plans that were issued by the Dark Lord continued to replay in Severus' mind for hours afterwards. The usual bowing and scraping had applied with those who had responded to the burn of the Dark Mark each, in turn, lowering to their knees to kiss the robes of a figure whom Severus could not truthfully describe as being entirely human. For a long time, Severus had pondered on the physical results that a manifestation of evil acts could have on an one's physicality. The young Tom Riddle that Albus had shown Severus in pensieve memories could not have been further away from the slight resemblance to human form in the figure of Lord Voldemort these days.

"I have found a new place for us." The Dark Lord said in his high, cold voice. His thin, pale lips quirked upwards in a smile as he gazed around their surroundings. The Death Eater's meeting place changed regularly. This time, the burn of the Dark Mark had lead Severus to the grounds of Lucius Malfoy's house, but the time before this had been a graveyard, and the time before that had been the inside of a gothic church with black marble flooring. The Dark Lord liked to hold his gatherings in chilling, grand settings. "I have found a place which I have long been searching for." Voldemort told them, speaking with measured words and a calculating tone. "The Forest of Elder." He supplied when his Death Eaters looked curious.

Snape kept his face blank but he heard intakes of breath around him and Voldemort smiled again, his red eyes flashing. "Yes, incredible, is it not? Some have called it the Valley of Elder, others have named it simply The Wand's Origin. Magical power lies in the very roots of all trees and water that runs through it. I am proposing this as our new sanctuary. We will not have to move from there, and I am sure that Lucius will be quite relieved that we will no longer be using his house." Voldemort paused here to send a knowing look towards the wizard, and Snape watched as a man with white blond hair and bloodshot eyes shook his head seriously and bowed to the man before him; "Not at all, My Lord. It has been... an honour." Lucius murmured.

Voldemort let out a high pitched laugh and the hairs on the back of Snape's neck stood on end. Severus could never decide whether he was more sickened by the mad man's explosions of violent rage or of his manic, gleeful episodes.

"Indeed you ought to be, Lucius. No higher honour, you are quite correct." Voldemort agreed solemnly, taunting the man. His laughter died away in a cold echo as he became serious and unsmiling once more. "I want you all to follow me to Elder's forest. To bring our cause to a head. We will be in a position of persuasion; many creatures that would find our ways appealing dwell in this place." Voldemort seemed to have finished his speech and Severus was anxious to get back to the school. He had to tell Dumbledore about this most recent and disturbing change of plan. For months, the Dark Lord had made little plans - at least, none that he had shared with his followers - and Severus had merely been required to continue his role as Dumbledore's pet; as Voldemort put it. But, apparently, the pale leader had been working hard behind the scenes to acquire a new... base, for lack of a better word. Severus' thoughts were disbanded when Voldemort turned to him suddenly. 

"I imagine that you will be unable to join us, Severus? What with your double life as Dumbledore's lapdog?"

Severus kept his face impassive and Voldemort let out a sigh as he added, "I appreciate your dedication to our cause, Severus. You have served me faithfully. And now I want you to prove your enthusiasm."

Severus felt his blood run cold but he kept his expression impassive. What on earth was he going to be asked to do, he wondered, already preparing to resign himself to acts of horrific torture of some kind. 

"There is a potion." Voldemort explained. "Its completion will facilitate a worry which I admit has long been on my mind." Voldemort said, as though he was suffering from an anxious disposition. Severus knew that it was all a dramatic show designed to give the false impression that Voldemort had some humility.

"Harry Potter." the Dark Lord said shortly. "I know you despise the boy, Severus, and you will find much satisfaction in the completion of this potion."

Severus inclined his head and arranged his face into one of curiosity and anticipation.

"This potion will bind Potter to me. I want you to make it and to bring it to me in a fortnight. I trust that you will organise a sufficient reason for your absence to Dumbledore." It was not a question, but an order.

Severus nodded and bowed low. 

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