Reason of betrayal

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7 months later

Sidharth POV

While waiting for my departure as we are leaving to The United States for 15 days ad shoot, I remember past month's struggle & pain.
After my accident I came into complete consciousness after a week. My legs & hands have injuries. My right leg has got fracture. It is still under healing process. With the support of brace I can walk and stand. But cannot run.

I still remember when I regained my consciousness I asked maa only one question. Where is Mira?
For first few days she lied that she visited when I was sleeping. I truly felt happiness at that time. Responded well to the treatment . I need to clarify so many things with her. And also want to apologise for the pain I have given her.

It is during the conversation between shekhar and maa which I heard inadvertently, I realised She left me! She has left mumbai. I was shocked and devestated with the news. I got panic attack and fainted on the spot. My maa & manager were terrified. From that day with physical healing I am going into mental healing process also. Was she that devestated, I asked myself?  she left me, her dreams just because of stupid tongue of me. I hate myself. My existence. I lost all hopes when I came to know she has resigned from meFine. No one knows her whereabouts. I also called his brother, in a hope may be she is in Chandigarh. But his brother phone number has been changed. So I have no one whom I can ask. Her senior friends, Dr Raghavan too doesn't know anything about her. Where do I search her. Where?

Ladies and gentlemen please tie your seat belts we are about to take off.

I wiped my tears and did what airhostess announced.

I am living a robotic life. Maa cares for me but whenever I mention Mira she blames me and support her. She said I accused her with out listening to her. She is right I stil regret my behavior but how can I turn blind eye to what I saw.  I still remember when I received that video.


I am getting ready to surprise Mira. She is in project launch I didn't tell her I returned from outdoor. Suddenly my mobile pinged. It was from Unknown number. I saw its a project launch video. But who is the person who sent me this.? Before I opened the video I saw few messages from the same number. He said I was been tricked, they both are making fool of you. I know you loved Mira and sidharth I am your well wisher. Please see this video. You will know your Mira is with Ritwik Dhanraj. They are getting engaged.

Sudden jolt of anger streamed in my veins. I open the video. I saw Rick saying I love you to Mira and placing diamond ring on her finger. Mira was looking happy and moreover she said I love you Ritwik.  I replayed the video thousand times.

I am shocked and devestated. Why she did this to me. I took my car keys and went to the venue. I saw Rick & Mira standing closed to each other. Exchanging greetings from people. The scene replayed in my mind. All those time they were together??. I lost my mind. I gulped the two bottles of beer. I left the place only to recieve Mira after an hour. I am in rage. I malhandled her. Picked her harshly. Throwed her on the floor. My heart was bleeding. Did she cheat me. ? I will not give this satisfaction that she tricked me, She refused me, She cheated me. No.
Last night Shreya my coactor told me that she likes me. I took advantage of it and spread the news in media that I am getting engaged to her next day.

Why Mira why? You played with my emotions. I won't give you this satisfaction to ruin me with your lover boy Rick. I told you I hate him. Still you chose him over me. You are engaged with him infront of public. Why can't I? When she came home she said she didn't know what I am saying. How innocent! I don't believe her now. She tried to calm me and asked me to listen her. But I didn't. When she placed her hands on mine, I saw same tiffany ring on her finger. How dare she? I pushed her on the ground. Maa came and slapped me hard. She slapped me for her. But she don't know what Mira did.
I said I don't love her. Her facial expressions changed. She went pale. I hate seeing her like this. I called her names, middle class, gold digger, two timer,  seducer.!?? Really?
This is when I realised my mistake What I have said. She pulled me with collar and slapped me. The slap made me awake from my anger. But damage has been done already. She cried.
My conscience asked If she was guilty why was she putting an effort to make me understand.?
She said she hates me. My Mira hates me now!!
She  turned to leave the place but fall flat on the ground. I saw her bruised arms. Her trembling legs.
No no no!! This is not the way I should behave. I wanted to console her, ask her why she did this? My conscience asked me what if I accused her for mistakes that may be she haven't committed. .
The thought itself snatched all air from my system. I was feeling heavy, may be guilty?? She said everything is finished! No Mira, I am sorry, I wanted to say this. But she ran from the place . I was afraid with the thought what if she hurt herself. I ran behind her. But she took auto I ran behind her. I know my life is going away from me. I can't let her go. I ran like a mad guy on road only to hit by speeding car, then all went black. I love you Mira those were the words I said when I went into deep slumber.


With turbulence effect on airplane, I shook away the thought that was the reason of my painful memories. I took out the medicines from trembling hands and gulped it in one go. My life has changed . And It changed without Mira in it.  "I hope you are fine Mira. Please forgive me." Every day I recite these lines before I closed my eyes for sleeping.


Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye (How I Found You)!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें