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I woke up with sunrays falling on my face. I felt good from previous day. I tried to get up from bed and saw my fingers interlocked with someone.
Oh god Mira!!
I saw Mira's hand over my hand. She slept on the floor.
What the hell I was doing yesterday? Was i blabbering!
Soon i saw Mira opening her eyes.
She got up and we looked each other.

Mira: you had a nightmare last night.

Sid: sorry Mira! Sorry for everything. I put you in the situation. This fever made me do so.

Mira: it's ok.
Sid: why have you bear so much for me. You could wake me up.
Mira: no if i wake you up, you won't sleep.
(We both went silent. Stealing glances)

"I will come in an hour. You just freshen up. I too get ready. Then
I need to see your temperature".

Mira Pov

I dont know why i was hyperventilating. I tried to calm my nerves. I came to the room which was alloted to me. I got freshen in 15 mins.
I made a call to my junior at hospital. I asked him to come to oberoi mansion with all testing kit. And Yes
Finally rain has stopped.!

I went to the kitchen to look upon breakfast. I asked cook to make poha for Sidharth. But ask them not to give it till the tests are done.
It's 8 am, Dr. Gopal will come in half an hour. I asked servants to inform me when doctor Gopal come & then I lead my way to Sidharth's room.
When I reached Sidharth's room he was sitting on chair. He was looking slightly better and fresh.

Mira: hey!
Sid: hey
Mira: how are you feeling?
Sid: much better, thank you.
I gave him light smile.

We were talking ,suddenly a servant came and told me about Dr Gopal's arrival.
I asked him to send him up.

Sid: who is it!
Mira: he is doctor Gopal. He came here for sample collection.
Sid: blood? You mean needles?
Mira: ofcourse

Sid: it's necessary. I hate needles!
Mira: you are afraid of injection and needles. I chuckled

Sid: no! But little bit.
Mira: I am sorry but it's necessary.
Sid: be here, I may need you.
Mira: I am going nowhere.

Here he comes.

Mira: Hello Dr

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Mira: Hello Dr. How are you. Thanks for coming in short notice.

Gopal: no worries Dr. Mira. Anything for you. Hello mr Sidharth.

Sid: Hello!

Mira: thank you, you know Sidharth he is so efficient and hardworking. I am helping him in preparing his project. And this boy and his jokes.

Sid: thank you ma'am, but you are too kind. I am glad you like my company.

Mira: yeah, ok stop calling me ma'am. So what if you are one year junior to me. But We are of same age. We are not in hospital Gopal.

Gopal: Mira, you know I like you. Ofcourse For this generosity.

Mira: stop it now, take his sample.

Gopal: don't worry I will.

Sid: Mira
Mira: hmm

Sid: will it hurt??

We(gopal and me) both laughed.
Sid was embarassed. I sensed.

Mira: sorry SIDHARTH, but you are behaving like a kid. It won't hurt. He is very skilled , believe him.
Gopal: extend your arm Mr. Oberoi.
He took out the sample.

Sidharth POV

Who is this Dr Gopal?
I was told some doctor came to meet me. But I didn't call any doc. Then Mira told me it was her who called Dr. Gopal. I saw a handsome, well built , professional looking man entered in my room. I saw Mira was happy with his presence. I felt jealous. But why ?

Then they start talking. Mira has all praise for him. I was told he is her junior, I was somewhat relieved. I was disappointed on myself to show my vulnerable side to a handsome man who happens to my Mira's friend.
My Mira!? (What the hell I am thinking)
They continue talking..

Mira: yeah, ok stop calling me ma'am. So what if you are one year junior to me. But We are of same age. We are not in hospital.

What? I was shocked, he was junior in hospital, but in reality they are friends. I started burning not due to fever,but with jealousy.

On that Gopal replied,
Gopal: Mira, you know I like you. Ofcourse For this generosity. He winks.
He was openly flirting with my Mira!
My Mira! What's wrong with me.

I clenched my fist, I feel like thrashing this Gopal.

I gave my sample to the doctor. But my mood was off.

Sid: can I have my breakfast now!?

Mira: oh yes, let me call the maid.
Gopal come have breakfast with us. And then we leave .

Sid: no you can't Mira! I said hurriedly.
2 pairs of eyes staring as if I did some mistake.
Mira: why?
Sid: mom is coming in an hour, she wants to meet you.
Dr Gopal must have some important work to do instead of taking my blood.

Gopal: no worries Mr oberoi. It's my duty. And moreover I get a chance to meet Mira. He smiled.
Mira was smiling uncomfortably.

I gulped my saliva in anger. How dare he..

Mira: it's ok Gopal, you carry on with your schedule. I will see you tomorrow. But first have breakfast with us.!

Sidharth POV

Finally Dr Gopal left my house after having breakfast. I know I am overreacting. But I can't help it. Mira asked me twice to know what happened to me. I went all silent.
Sid: he seems to be great friend of yours?

Mira: who? Gopal? Ya he is a good boy. He makes me laugh so much. I never get bored in his company. But sometimes he irritates me a lot. His dialogues are cheesy . I stop him whenever I feel he is going over the board. But it's ok. I know it's his nature. I know he is not a bad boy.
He is shifting in a month to Chandigarh.
So when will aunty come??

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye (How I Found You)!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें