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Sidharth POV

I am driving like a maniac..
How could I do this. I hurt her so much. And today she is suffering because of me. That bastard took her. He took my Mira. But I won't let him harm her. Sorry Mira! Wait for me. I mumbled with determination.

Flashback start

It was 2 days after our meet. I was going back to India. Yes! I have decided, I am not going to meet Mira ever again. She chose that bastard. What is there to know more. My flight back to India was in the evening. Right now I am signing all the check out formalities. Shekhar already took care of it but they need few signs . So I am here at hotel reception.

"Hello, Sidharth!" I looked back as I heard my name.

It was Dr. Raghavan, Rick's uncle.
I saw him and turned back to my place. I didn't greet him.

"Sidharth! Listen!"

"I am not interested in formalities Dr Raghavan. I don't feel like talking to you. So please clear my way.." I tried to ignore him.

"Why did you break her heart? He asked

I stopped on his words. I turned around and watched him intently.
"What did you say"? I asked

"Why did you leave that innocent girl! You were never like this Sidharth. Why you hurt her"? He said.

I was confused with his behaviour. Why is he speaking in my favor.? He is supposed to Rick's uncle.

"I know you must be thinking why I am asking you. Afterall I am Rick's uncle. But I must tell you, Mira is like a daughter to me. And today She is broken because of your rivalry. Rick is stubborn brat, but you, I can expect some sense from you." He said.

"So she has sent you when I caught her red handed. What your three are planning"?. I laughed sarcastically.

He glared at me as if he saw some ghost. And nodded in dismissal and left the place.

I came back to room. I sat on the chair. "Why he said I broke her. Why he said I hurt her. Did I overreact. I should have listened to him completely. He could ignore my presence in the hotel but he chose to  have a word with me. I am feeling something is not right. My heart is pounding with all the thoughts. Why he said she is broken." Suddenly somebody rang the bell of my hotel room.

I opened the door and saw Mr Raghavan standing.

"Sidharth please save Mira"! He was panting.

" Sidharth, Rick! Rick. He took her." He said.

"What! What the hell are you talking about." I was nervous with his words.

"Lets talk inside Sidharth". I took him inside the room. I offered him water.

"Rick called me, he said he is going to marry Mira forcefully". He kidnapped her.

"What! "

"Yes he told me on call". He said.

"See Mr Raghavan, if two people want to marry each other, nobody should stop them". I replied . I should to act cool. Inside I was burning.

"Are you not bothered Sidharth. He took your Mira."

I clenched my fist. I remembered all the painfull memories. Her betrayal, "NO I HATE HER . I NEVER LOVED HER." I replied in anger.

"You are  lying SIDHARTH. Why did you hate her when you loved her so much. I have seen you two. You both love each other. What went wrong".

"She betrayed me". I told him

"she can't Sidharth. She loved you only." He said.

"No she loved Rick. They were engaged. Aren't they"? I asked.

"Who told you they are engaged. I am Rick's uncle. If they were engaged I must have know."

"Then what is this". I showed him the video in which they are exchanging rings.

He was amazed to see . He couldn't believe what he saw.

Who sent you this video Sidharth. He asked.

"So cat caught the tongue. Do you think I will come in your fake assurance".

"Sidharth you are mistaking, this video is a lie. It's a doctored video."


"Yes! I have the whole event video in my drive. Let me check". He then showed me the event video.

Video start..

"And one more thing Dr. Mira, you know you have a secret admirer, who wants to confess something to you." 

"Come here boy",
I saw a little boy of age 7 years.

"I love you Dr Mira". he smiled  innocently.

"Look at this boy what he said," Rick said

"I love you Mira!" Little boy confessed

"I love you too Ritwik," I said and kissed boy's cheek.

Video end....

That means the Ritwik to whom Mira said I love you was a boy of age 7!! Suddenly I was feeling heaviness in my heart. What have I done? I fall like a log on the ground.

"Sidharth"! Dr Raghavan held me.
"I think someone deliberately sent you the doctored video."

"I didn't believe her Dr Raghavan". I said while crying. "I said so many bad words to her."

"Sidharth save her before Rick do something to her. He is not in his senses. He is obsessed with her". He said

"I saw him with rage. I will kill that bastard if he harm her." I told him.

"No Sidharth. Save her. I want you all safe. Rick has crossed all his limits.  She is like my own daughter. He took her to
our old apartment. Come with me".

Flashback ends..

Present time

I parked the car near a residential Apartment.
This is the place Sidharth. Dr Raghavan told me.

"Lets go inside Mr Raghavan".

"I am here Mira,"! I mumbled.


Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye (How I Found You)!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें