an unexpected event

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Mira POV

"Mira stop crying! I am here my love. I am sorry. Please forgive me! Please.." Sidharth replied

I am shaking in fear. I don't know why was i behaving like a fragile girl. my heart is not allowing me to stop. I kept on crying in his embrace. He was caressing my back with love.

Suddenly i experienced a  jolt in my hand as if somebody pulling me.

Mira! It was Rick. He was pulling me .
Aah.. i screamed.

I saw Sidharth loosened his hold on me and punched Rick on his face.

"HOW DARE YOU" ! Punch!!, "how dare you you bastard"! Punch!!

Rick stumbled.
Punch... punch!!! .. He was bleeding now.
"How dare you touch her"? Punch.!!

"Sidharth"! I screamed.

He was about to punch him! He looked at me with softened expression.

"Leave him Sidharth, he is bleeding"! I urged Sidharth.

He throw him on the ground and came back to me. He engulfed me in a tight hug. I too hugged him back.  we were crying while holding each other.
"I am sorry Mira! I am sorry.! Its my mistake.! Only mine.!" I cried more harder.
"Shh.. my love, don't cry. Please. I beg you Mira! I don't know how will I rectify my mistakes."
I opened my eyes only to see Rick was about to hit Sidharth with glass vase.

"No"! I screamed and i exchange my position with Sidharth.

Something hit hard on my head and felt pain. Soon i experience black dots appearing infront of my eyes.
I stumbled , "Sidharth!!" it came like a whisper!

"Mira"! I heard voices but after that It all went black.

Sidharth POV

"Doctor ! How is Mira! "

"Who are you to her?" She asked

"I am her friend ma'am! How is Mira!"

"She is fine! Just an external injury. We have given her some sedatives & also bandaged her head. She will be conscious in an hour."

"Thanks doctor!!"

"You are welcome"

"Doctor can I see her!"

"Yes you can meet her. Only one person is allowed inside". She replied.

Without any hesitation i stormed inside the room. I saw her on bed, breathing softly. I took her hand in mine. I don't know when did i start crying. "My Mira!"
She took the impact on herself which was meant for me. I clutched my fist in anger. Because of that Rick, my Mira  suffered. I will kill him.!

"Sid...harth"! I saw Mira gaining consciousness while pronouncing my name.

"Mira"! I kissed her softly in her knuckles.
"Doctor"! I ran outside to call the doctor.
"Sidharth"! Mira whispers.

I came back to Mira running. She blinked thrice.

"Mira" ! I held her hand softly.

"Arrr...e you ok"? She asked.

I kissed her on forehead.
"Never do anything like that Mira! Never!" I told her while crying..

Her eyes were wet. "Don't cry Mira"! I wiped her tears. "I love you so much. Forgive me Mira. "

"I love you too Sidharth"! She repeated.

"Hello Mira"! We saw lady doctor enters into the room.

Mr. Oberoi i need to see patient. She said.

"Please ma'am"! I replied.

Love confession in hospital room. 🙄
Unexpected! But finally they confessed.🤗

Short update guys! I am extremely busy nowadays. Sorry for late update. God bless all😇

Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gaye (How I Found You)!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें