Chapter 9-P.O.T.D

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Chapter 9

“Me?” My eyes were opened as wide as I could, the skin on my forehead folded.

“Yes, you, the last descendant of our ancestor’s bloodlines. You have the purest blood of all of us here,” Zackary said.

“Okay, fine, I will accept that but how?” I asked, sounded like a rough head.

“There are four things you have to do,” he paused, tapping his chin, like he had forgotten something. When he said that, Sophia stood up, the floor of her chair scraping on the ground and left the room, to enter through a narrow doorway, behind her. No one said anything all the while she was gone. I was trying to process what Zackary had said; four things I have to do then we will be free! Man, the word free made my world spun.

“Honey, you forget the book,” Sophia emerged from the room; closed the door behind her with a very thick book in her arm. The book looked old, like it was stolen from the museum. The cover was tore and the papers were brown. She placed it in front of Zackary and smiled at him.

Zackary kissed her on the cheek when she had taken her seat. Then, he went back into business mode. He started flipping the pages and the air was filled with dust and antique scent; like we were in a pyramid.

“Zackary had a grandfather, whose friend was a researcher. He had also lived for a long time, not as long as you though; he had spent the last of his life writing this book for us.” Robert explained to me.

“There,” Zackary declared, pushing the book to me. I squinted at the words written on the page that he show me. The words were not English but an ancient time language. And I understand completely as I have learnt it when I was around four hundred years old.

“What does it says?” Alexis leaned in beside me, to take a closer look. I could taste her in my mouth; sweet as an apple, honey scent, and a little of sugary taste when she spoke. I traced my fingers along the sentences; feeling the roughness of the paper. It seemed like the paper was made from raw leaves of a plant and I felt someone’s presence at the door although both of them was trying very hard to keep their curse at bay.

“We are not sure as we don’t know the language. I have been trying to crack the words but it seemed to me is impossible,” a man, opposite Alexis said while frowning, his eyebrow crushed into the middle of his forehead and it made him looked older than Zackary.

“The four things had to be done by the last descendant to save The Cursed Ones from extinction. First, the descendant’s blood –a glass full-, the Immunian’s leader’s blood, the body of the descendant’s loved ones and the body parts of the Saberian, the rarest animal in the whole world. Collect all the things and bring it to the top of the mountains in the world by dawn in the ninth of the Death of Acheron, the pure blood of the Katagiri Bloodline, cursed by Acheron.” I paused, looking around the table. I knew exactly when was the death of Acheron, my ancestor as I have lived my life learning my history.

“It’s Ninth of December right?” Alexis asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

“Yes,” Robert answered for me.

“Then, continue,” Alexis prompted. My eyes went back to the page I was reading.

“The last descendant must drink his own blood and the blood of the Immunian’s leader. He must lit the body of his loved one at the top of the mountain and eat the flesh of the Saberian. Then, he must throw the body of his loved one to the pits of the mountain. And he must do the same to himself. Then, only he can meet Acheron. The road to meeting Acheron will be open and the descendant must control himself so that he will not be control by the hostile environment surrounding him and Acheron,” I finished the page and flipping the next when I found the next one was talking about the history of our bloodlines.

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