16. DiFfErEnT

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"Really?" -Joy
"Yeah, you should go for it Joy!" -Yeri
"Mhm, Sungjae is whipped!" -Zoey
"But-" -Joy

Before she can continue, Yeri smacked a big chunk of mud mask on her face.

"yErI! Ouch! It almost got in my eye!" -Joy
"You're fine, eonni" -Yeri

"Are you guys okay? We heard Joy's shout from Jisung's room. And the walls aren't thin at all" Dejun knocked my door
"Yeah, we're good! Just continue your game!" -Zoey
"Okay!" -Winwin

"Fine! I'll just say yes to the date tomorrow. Now, when are you gonna tell us about 'Haechan' hm?" -Joy
"H-huh? As I said before, he's my senior at school, Joy" -Zoey

"Yeah, sure. It's normal to call you 'princess', calls you for no reason at all, and misses you without liking you" -Yeri
"Totally normal" Joy added sarcastically
"He likes you, Zo. Please don't be as dense as the donkey in the other room there" -Yeri

"But why would he like me, I mean I'm not even as pretty as half of the-" -Zoey

And again, Yeri smacked a chunk of mud mask on my face.

"Agh Yeri!" -Zo
"Dude, you seriously gonna act like you're not the prettiest girl in the world?" -Joy
"But I'm really not- okay sorry, please put that down and we can put it on normally" -Zo

"You're different from the other girls, Zo" -Joy
"Yeah, dIfFeReNt as in 'not wearing any sort of makeup' 'not wanting to shop for clothes everyday' 'not caring if I look good or not'?" -Zo
"Y-yeah? Sort of..." -Yeri

"I don't wear make up because I CAN'T, if I do, I'll look like Voldy Moldy and noone wants to look like... that. I don't want to shop for clothes everyday because I have 20 clothes I haven't wear in my closet because I'm Mrs. Park's muse, remember? And I don't care if I look good or not because... I like food more than anything and I'm not gonna go on a diet just to please other people, plus I have a fast metabolism, oh and right now I'm literally wearing a mud mask -_-"

"Meh, still different tho" -Joy
"I- nevermind, yeah, sure, thanks... I'm living the Y/n life" I said sarcastically
"I mean... you are indeed living the Y/n life. You ARE perfect in every aspect" -Yeri

"No one is perfect, Yeri" -Zo

We continued the night. Them trying to stay awake but they failed miserably and slept anyways. I couldn't. I had too much in my mind, so I went outside to get fresh air, but instead I saw someone infront of my house pacing back and forth.

"Hendery? What're you doing outside?" -Zo
"Uh, I- um... I'm actually planning to ask a girl to a date and I haven't been able to sleep these past few days." -Dery
"Oh? Who is she? Maybe I can help?"

"Um.. I don't think you know her, I met her at the cafe near school" -Dery
"Oh, don't worry so much, just ask her and boom you're not single anymore" I said, grinning ear to ear

"Really? Thanks Zo... you're actually the first person I told about this... I feel better now. How about you? Why are you out here?" -Dery
"I actually heard something, so I came to check. I'm just gonna go inside now that I know it's you" I said, leaving him outside

As soon as I reached my room, I went to the bathroom to wash my face. Tears were streaming down my face.

Now I can really move on. I know it was not gonna happen between us. How did I even think that it's a possibility?

I quickly wiped the tears and took a deep breath. I tiptoed outside to take ice cubes for my swollen eyes, hoping that I won't bump into Hendery again. Then I heard someone call my name.

"Zo?" -Sung
"Oh my god! I thought you were someone else! Ugh, can you pass me the ice cubes please?" -Zo
"Why're you crying? Is it Hendery?" -Sung
"I hate it when you guess things right" -Zo
"I can't help it, it's twin telepathy" -Sung

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