14. Announcement

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We bought ice cream and went around the mall since we couldn't go in stores because of the ice cream. After we finished the ice cream, we wanted to go to a store but Haechan's mom called him and told us to go back to the nail salon.

We went our separate ways to go home, but before that, Haechan's mom told me to add her number in my phone 'to report to her if Haechan does something bad in school'

"Sooo, how was your little date with Shinhye's son?"
"Eomma! We were just hanging out. Not a date." I whined
"Alright, alright. Not a date. Just 'hanging out' "

"You seem close with Haechan's mom"
"Yes, we were very close in college. But then she moved to Canada, met a man, their first son was even born there."
"Mark was born in Canada?"
"Yeah, then not soon after, they moved back to Korea"

We chatted more and we arrived back at home. I was very tired so as soon as we arrived, I ran to my room and got ready to sleep.

"I can't sleep"
"But I can. Good night!"
"C'mon Zo~ please~"
"Ugh alright, alright"

He ran and jumped on my bed and started rambling about how his day went.

"...he even offered me to be one of the 'Dreamies' and-"
"Wait- the dreamies? You mean Mark, Haechan, Renjun, Jaemin, Jeno, Chenle?"
"Yeah, them"

"What did you say to him?"
"I said I should see and hang out with them some more before I go and live with them"
"LIVE WITH THEM? So you're gonna leave me?"
"Uhh, no...? Can we buy a house next to the Dream Mansion?"

"So... no?"
"Cung, it's fine, I can live on my own. We can meet at school every weekdays and we can hangout on weekends. How about that?"
"Yes! Love you Zo!"
"Yeah, yeah... I know"

Days passed by and Jisung is getting closer with the Royals or Dreamies, whatever you want to call them... Well... actually I also got closer to them, resulting to make me the target of the 'Elite'

"You think you can hang out with them forever?" -Jia
"You are just a Schooley. Wake up from your fantasy" -Yunhee
"They'll just throw you after they get bored with you" -Bomi

They surrounded me. I only wanted to wash my hands but they kept talking. After I finished washing my hands, I ignored them and went out of the bathroom but Yunhee grabbed my wrist.

"Hey! We are talking to you!"
"Oh sorry, I thought you were talking to the mirror" I smiled
"You bitc-" Bomi raised her hand to slap me, but Jisung came

"Zo, are you don- what are you doing?"
"W-we were only saying hi to Jisoo." -Jia
"Y-yeah... right, Bom?" -Yunhee
"Uh-huh" -Bomi
"Alright then, let's go Zo"

Jisung pulled me from them to the breakroom. Which was weird, since we always hang out at the greenhouse every break time.

"Why are we here?"
"Haechan hyung wanted to say something to you" he said, opening the door

"Zozo!" Lele shouted from inside
"Hi Le. What's up, Hyuck?"
"Sung, you can enter. Me and Zoey'll talk outside."

"What is it this time?"
"You know... I know that the 'Elite' has been bothering you-"
"It's okay, Hyuck. I can handle it myself."

"I'm just worried, Princess"
"Well, I'm telling you that it's fine. They're completely harmless"
"No, they're not. They'll do anything and everything to take you down"
"Did they do that to your exes too? Cause I know you have a LOT of those"

"No, they didn't, you're the only one who has been with me longer than a week."
"A WEEK? What the- And I am not 'with' you, Hyuck. We're not a thing" I deadpanned
"Yet" he smirked

"Oh gosh. Now can I go? Ryujin is probably waiting for me to go back from the toilet"
"Yeah, just be careful"
"Jisung, you coming?" I said peeking from the breakroom door
"Yeah, coming! See you later Hyungs"

We went to the Greenhouse and hung out with the others. Then the bell rang and we all went back to class. The speaker on the top corner of the class suddenly buzzed, indicating that there will be an announcement.

"As you all know, next week, there will be a study group and on Monday we told students to register of you want to join. Us, as teachers also chose some students to join, unfortunately forcefully, so that you can increase your grades. I will be reading the tutors and the students that will be participating"

Everyone in class sighed, since they didn't want extra time at school. Their faces all dropped.

"The tutors for grade 10 will be Park Jisoo, Park Jisung, Zhong Chenle, Shin Ryujin, Lee Chaeryeong, Jung Sungchan, and Yang Jeongin"

My smile instantly rose up. I will be teaching with all my bestfriends!

"The students for grade 10 are Im Yunhee, Kwon Bomi,..."

As soon as I heard their names, I rolled my eyes and I didn't even hear the other names on the announcement. Then I heard squealing and giggling. I looked at the direction of the sounds and saw Yunhee and Bomi.

"I call dibs on Chenle!"
"No! Ugh fine... I call dibs on Jisung"

EW. WHAT? MY TWIN BROTHER? NO WAY. I wanted to puke. I quickly switched my attention to the announcement to take my mind off of it.

"Tutors for grade 11 are Park Jihoon, Hwang Hyunjin, Huang Renjun, Hwang Yeji, Choi Jisu, Kim Seungmin, and Lee Donghyuck. Students from grade 11 are Lee Jeno, Na Jaemin, Lee Yongbok, Han Jisung, Osaki Shotaro, Go Jia,..."

Go Jia? Another one? Great.

"Tutors for grade 12 are Chou Tzuyu, Son Chaeyoung, Lee Minhyung, Seo Changbin,..."

I wasn't really in the mood to listen to the announcement anymore, so I laid my head on the table and drifted to sleep.

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