19. Jeno's 16th birthday

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We started singing and everyone had fun. It was not a PARTY party but it was a good one. After some time, the guys went to the spare rooms to sleep since we stayed awake for the night, some even fell asleep on the couch.

I woke up at 11 a.m and went to wash up. I didn't cook because there are still leftovers from yesterd- I mean, this morning. And we could go to a restaurant or cafe to have brunch (?)

Half of the group are awake and they are getting ready
P.s: they brought extra clothes

Everyone is awake, some are still getting ready

Everyone is ready and we all agreed to finish all the leftovers from yesterday then hangout in the mall

All the leftovers are finished, everyone is on the way to the mall

Everyone is in the mall and the group is split to 3 (girls, skz, dreamies)

After hanging out at the mall, everyone gathered in the cinema to watch a movie called "Fantastic Beasts"

The movie ended and Chenle lent us his cars and drivers to get home.

The next day, guess what? I got more birthday invitations. I swear sometimes I need a month with no birthdays.

Saturday, 23 April 2016
Jeno's formal birthday party

It's the same as Renjun's but his birthday party is way bigger since it is also Chaeyoung's birthday party. The building, yes, building, is split into two. The gold side is Chaeyoung's and the black side is Jeno.

"Eomma, is it really okay to go to the party together?" -Cung
"It's fine, now they know you as our muse and secretary" -Eomma
"Yeah, you even got me the unreleased dress" -Zo

"Eomma, is it really okay to go to the party together?" -Cung"It's fine, now they know you as our muse and secretary" -Eomma"Yeah, you even got me the unreleased dress" -Zo

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"I'll release it tomorrow anyways" -Eomma
"We're here, let's take pictures later, okay?" -Appa
"Okay, dad" -Zo&Cung

We exited the car and entered the building. We went straight to the black side of the building.

"Zoey, you came. Hi Jisung" -Jeno
"Hey Nojam, happy birthday." -Zo
"Happy birthday, no need gifts, right?" -Cung
"Yea, it's a no gift party. Oh and Zo, loverboy is waiting for you at the chocolate fountain over there" -Jeno

"What does he want now?" I said going to the direction of the chocolate fountain

I took a marshmallow stick and a plate, some more sweets and went over to the chocolate fountain. Then I spotted Haechan, he was munching some strawberries.

"Where'd you get those? It's all sweets over there" -Zo
"You want some? They didn't really prepared that many strawberries, Jaemin hates them" Haechan said offering his plate full of strawberries
"Oh, thanks-"

Just when I was about to take one, he pulled the plate to his direction.

"Give me a kiss on the cheek and I'll give you a strawberry" -H
"Huh. You wish." I said, rolling my eyes.
"How about I give you tickets to Day6's concert next week?" he offered
"...I'm friends with Jae, so I don't need tickets" I answered
"Fine, if you won't do it, I'll do it to you"

Before I could react, he pecked my cheek and ran away. I was about to run after him, but I realized that this was a formal party. I calmed myself down, from blushing... did I say blush- I mean from anger.

"Here, I know you like them"
"Huh? You sus" I squinted my eyes suspiciously
"Do you want them or not?"
"Alright, thanks Junnie"
"What? That's a cute nickname isn't it?"
"Y-Yeah" Renjun replied scratching the back of his neck

"Ehem, I think that those fruit punch looks delicious, doesn't it?" Haechan came dragging me to the other side of Jeno's party

"Eh? Hyuck stop dragging me around!"
"I'm not dragging you around, I'm just... giving you a... tour? Anyways, are you coming to the side party tomorrow?"

"Are me and Ryujin the only girls again?"
"Yea... sort of?"
"Fine, what are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Johnny hyung insisted that the 2 groups having you two as models and compete againts each other in a fashion show"

"Jeno wanted another boxing match"
"And Renjun wanted to have a drawing contest"

"Oh! And there will be no open party for Jeno this year because what happened at Renjun's party last time"
"Really? Yes! I mean.. yea, sure. That's good👍🏻"

The formal party was as boring as Renjun's but mom was very happy since we got to take 'first party together' pictures the whole night.

The next day, since there was no dresscode, I picked some comfortable clothes. I'm going to have to change later anyways.

 I'm going to have to change later anyways

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I went to Ryujin's to go together. On the way, she called and asked what she should wear. I told her that we were going to change into clothes our teams pick later. When I arrive, she was ready and we went to the Dream Mansion together.


You might ask, 'Why is Jisung already there?' the answer is... he had a sleepover yesterday after the formal party.

"Hey! I'm so excited for the first game later, aren't you?"
"Hey Johnny, yeah... I am?" -Ryu

I really do love fashion, I just got used to not showing it because of the 'not wanting to be the centre of attention' thing.

After everyone arrived, we ate lunch together and started the games. Since there are 16 of us now instead of 3 teams, we have 2 teams.

I was in a team with Haechan, Renjun, Jisung, Chenle, Johnny, Mark, and Shotaro. The other team consist of Ryujin, Jeno, Jaemin, Jaehyun, Taeyong, Sungchan, Yuta, Taeil.

I honestly didn't think it was quite fair cause my team has more younger ones, but it is just a game, right?

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