Christmas-ing - Part One

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"You're shorter than I remembered."

"You are still single, just like I remembered."

Mercer smirked in triumph. Enjoying the sight of the woman whose jaw was left hanging open from his brutal retort. As if the lady on his porch couldn't register the amount of Emotional_Damage™ that the bored bioweapon of mass destruction just dished out on her face.

"You... You just murdered me." Ilsa Frieda let's out a depressed sigh. "M-My legs are shaking..."

"Don't be such a drama queen, that role is already taken in this house." Alex stepped aside to make way for the veteran. "Get in, lady. It's cold outside."

Ilsa shivered at the reminder, the temperature outside is freezing cold, one would wonder how the homeless population would survive the harsh winter for the next couple months. Stepping inside the mansion, she gawked at the luxury presented before her, as Mercer closes the door without even touching it.

"Where did you get all the money to buy such a big place?" Ilsa smiled, shaking her head in disbelief.

"The dead have no need for wealth, especially if they were a military general." Mercer menacingly chuckled, he took a step closer to Ilsa as the virus reached for the shoulder of her coat. "May I?"

"Oh, yeah, sure." The brunette lets Alex politely takes off her coat as she was too busy looking around in amazement. The virus casually hangs them in the coat rack.

Both adults wore nothing special worth of mentioning. Just your usual warm sweater and trousers, to keep the cold away. Mercer wore the same thing.... Which is, again, just biomass.

Blacklight doesn't really suffer much from the freezing cold of the Winter. They do get affected by the low temperature like any other organism. It simply makes changed their 'mood' to be somewhat lazy, make them less active during this season.

Damian did joked about hibernating in his room or some random hole in the middle of the wilderness if he had no friends to spend time with. And Zeus is more than confident the short blonde would go with the very things he said he will do.

These days, Mercer almost forgot Damian's code name of Apollo. He remembered that he was one of the first individuals to be given their own codenames after Heller exposed his infiltrators on both Blackwatch and Gentek. It sure as hell sent chaos and dissent on not just those two organization, but the Marines and the government too.

Zeus, Hades, Athena, Apollo...  The most notable ones. But there were others like Hera, Hermes, Demeter, and the others... Alex personally killed at least half of them. But the rest...

Loose ends, huh?

As time goes on, Damian seems to be more befitting of the name. He loves instruments and plays them a lot with that dark-haired girl, he also healed the blonde after the whole fiasco of the school-trip-gone-wrong... Damian is also Blacklight, which technically fills the role of the God of Plague and Disease.

Oh, and that brunette Russian. Whenever they meet up, Alex swore they would just glow up in an instant as if he just witnessed the birth of the sun. No one this bright and happy should ever meet one another and probably loves each other.

The universe can't stand it, one day, fate will fuck them both. You can't always be happy, there are bound to be that deep, hopeless, uncontrollable chain of events to what one would call to be a very bad day.

Well, that's up to Damian and his gang of misfits to deal with. Not him. If he needs help, Alex would be by his side. All the blonde gotta do is ask.

Also, Zeus considered Apollo as his favorite son. The latter also had direct access to Zeus' mind...

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