
372 11 16

Moo moo Mr. Cow

I'm just gonna come up with random shiz until I get any requests.

This story was supposed to be out yesterday, but then my dad took my phone and...well shit

Vote if I don't suck ass

Which I probably do

So don't?

u btr ltl shiet




You glided down the squeaky hallway, hoping that the water soaked to your shoes from the rain wouldn't cause you to fall. Your backpack bounced against your back as you skidded around a corner then shooting down the hallway of your class and dodging nearby students.

'Fuck you all!!!' You scream at the people in your head as you push past in the hallway.

You, for some reason, couldn't manage to figure out this module's math homework again. It was unfortunately bringing your grade down to an F. You were officially screwed.

You stopped in front of the class door with a sharp hault, and took a deep breath before entering. You sit at your normal seat next to a friend, Sasha, and get out your math book.

The bell sounds leaving you hopeless for the completion of today's homework.

'Damnit I should really ask for help...gah'

"WHY HELLO EVERYONE" Mrs. Tomson practically screams walking out from her desk and to the front of the class.

"Oh god" you moan silently to yourself covering your face with a hand and dragging it down.

"First things first! I need everyone to get their homework out so I can check it really quick before we move on to 6.5!" She claps her hands together creepily.

"Whupty doo" Eren chims in a monotone voice from the desk behind you.

She starts checking the first row, soon moving over to your place in the middle of the second.

"Um...(y/n)...where is your homework?" She steps in front of your desk disappointingly.

"...Sorry, I never got to it... I was buisy.." You reply leaning back tiredly in your chair while some other students lazily watched.

She sighs and steps back, "You are going to fail this class and have to take math all over again this summer"


She moves to Sasha next, giving up on you. Damn you Sasha, she even has a B.

The rest of the class all you could really do was stare at the board in complete confusion while longing for it end as soon as possible, you would be free of this hell hole for two days. Thank the walls for Friday!

No matter how much you told yourself you didn't need help, you already knew you really did. It was a tough decision, but it would pay off. As soon as the bell rang you had to fetch a certain someone.

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