Left Behind (chapter 2)

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What... A year? I'm reliable.
Also it's hard seeing all the spelling and grammar errors but the next chapter will be better.

Falling, trapped in a descend towards the ground. My heart pounding against my ribcage. Heavy gusts of wind devouring me as I tumble farther into a dreamland. But ground there is not, nothing to end my fall. Instead I collapse into a star that materialized out of thin air in mere seconds. Its light brighter than any sun from where I stand. I gaze through the vast desert of wonder, the breathtaking dust that's beyond captivating.

Suddenly I'm being torn upwards, by something that's been clawing at me profusely as if I'm some sort of meat that it's been deprived of for centuries. I don't want to leave but despite my thrashing, no matter how hard I try I can't get a grip on my mind, I've lost control of a twisted escape.

My body flinches and I'd shaken myself straight into the cruel reality once more.

My hands skim along a fabric that I thought would have been dirt. My eyes fly open as soon as I discovered I was indeed not on the hard ground, but in a bed. That i wasn't dead, not wiped out of the world quite yet. I rose on my elbows and tilt forward, in effect, my vision erupts in darkness. My eyes returned to my accustomed sight and I took note the dim glow coming from a luminous lamp beside the bed.

A near window allowed in varied rays of brilliant morning light which shone through the many leaves of a large Pine tree. The sun seems to have just awoken, soft and fresh. Faintly in the distance, but unavoidably conspicuous, light grey clouds fog portions of the sky. Unaltered, it seems by the downfall however many days ago. What was that? It wasn't just a dream, was it?

An empty room surrounds me. Hard wooden floors and blank walls. I swing my feet over the side of the bed and straighten my spine, I feel a sharp pain shoot across my back. My hand instinctively whips up to the throbbing gash and winds up falling along a rough tape-like fabric. In place of the former unpleasant clothes I had been lost in, lie a thin material. I notice a white button down, and dark pants occupying a desk that sits to the corner of my room.

I clutched the side of the dark sheet as I rise to my feet and take a leaden step, my legs notably trembling. They will get better by today, it seems, but I could be wrong. I can't tell for sure if I broke anything but I don't need to glance to be informed about the existing bruises. I can feel them all throughout my body, along my sides, my legs, every inch within every breath.

I drag another step towards the desk, my breath throbbing in and out as if  each would be my last. I lean forward and slip my hands carefully behind the sleeves of the button down and let out a sigh.

Everything is beginning to bring back memories of the past. Oh how I so desperately cling to those memories as if everything in them had ceased to exist. But that's about how it  happened, so suddenly. Now 'they' have become only memories...

I pace towards the door fighting through and ignoring the pain for all I could momentarily, and twisted the small lock on the inside before I walk back to the desk. I shove my grey shirt and trousers off to realize that my undergarments remained the same, but there were replacements lying upon the desk as well. I swap clothes and finish applying all other wear before finding a pair of boots. I mentally thanked the one who decided to leave me in those at least, just the small things.

"This is it" My thoughts tremble as my hand hovers above the doorknob connecting the unknown. Hell, I didn't even know if I was back at headquarters or still at the camp I had dawned upon...however many days ago. I can't even confirm that?

"Now is probably the best time to go figure this out." That's what a part of myself echoed, but another that is more overpowering is bathing in a sadness. Sucked into a darkness I've grown far too familiar to.

I don't even know who is alive. Who is gone. Other than all of my section. How am I going to tell them, the way they went down. I don't know if I want to.


The doorknob creaked open and a thin stream of light silently creeped into the opposing hallway. I peak an eye through the crevice and exhale delicately.


The noise grows louder at every shove.

Click. click.

I open it just enough to slip through the rift and out into the dark nothingness. I enter a mildly lit hallway with three windows leading down a long corridor, gloom and soft sunshine seeping into the hall. I mutely shut the door to my room and tumble on my feet a few before regaining balance and whipping my head to face a hallway to the right. No one. I hold in my breath for some seconds before taking another breath again.


I focus on the unfamiliar hallway directly before me, after I decided which to go down. I set out and all there seems to be existing in the world is the soft taps of my boots. A small flare of panic ignites inside of myself as I reach the door; a feeling of being abandoned, rather, uncertain to whether one was abandoned or not. I reach out and quickly push open the door at this hallway to reveal yet another. The insignificant panic inside causing me to walk a bit faster despite the pain screaming through my limbs. I lead myself through another hallway that twists to the right, I pick up my pace and even start to run through and right to another door.

The moment I had outstretched my hand towards another door footsteps came to a halt, directly behind me. My heart leaped and I twisted around as fast as I could, I swear it skipped a beat when I came face to face with someone I could in no way forget.

"Hhhh-" I let out what sound I could, my faint voice shaking and my throat still dry from screaming.

"So you are awake" The man speaks solidly. We've been friends, if you can say that, for years now, its just that speaking suddenly became difficult. "You should know not to risk breaking your leg running like that, the way you are," He slipped by me and nodded forward as he opened up the door and guided me into the next room, this one as expected, empty.

"They've put together something for you to eat, and Hanji has but few questions as well," He conducted me into the final room.

Now that I think of it, I was in its jaws, on the verge of death that I welcomed with uncertainty.

I come to halt before the last frame. Someone saved me- and not everyone is as quick to kill.

"It was you, right?" I let out, almost incoherent. A part of me already knew it was him, but I felt the need to be reassured.

He tilted to the side and glanced dully, "Don't worry about it, you are alive now, are you not?" He stared into my eyes for a few more seconds before pressing on.

The final room was familiar, one I've been to multiple times before. A quiet atmosphere lightly resting upon the room. A group of five huddled at the table in the far right corner of the mess hall, a couple others even scattered about the room.

Someone started towards me.

"Hm, awake already? It's only been three days," She brought me to a table, Levi parted ways.


I'm cutting it short since I thought I'd probably want to put something out. Also, I like requests because otherwise I don't know exactly what to do. Part THREE apparently will be a thing, so.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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