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Thanks for the request dude!

Even I know this will suck, and there will be more.

Sorry it took so long I had just finished that novel ←

Again I am wondering why one of my stories have 200+ reads -_- lulul not this one.

Um...well...enjoy...? I don't really know....



You lean against the side of a now abandoned hallway and sigh, letting your arms droop down beside you with your legs sticking straight out in front.

It was the day most would go out to visit their families, but, you where without one.

It would be nice to have a family that you could visit alike all your other comrades. Your mother and father would probably be hard at work making a welcome-home meal for you. You imagine seeing their overjoyed, lite up faces as they welcomed you back and hugged you tightly.

Even after so many years it hurts, you can never tell yourself that they are really gone. But you deal with it, like the other somewhat small amount of people that try to pretend they don't mind.

A drip of water splashes beside you, as you ponder your situation.

'I wonder what everyone one else here is doing' you nod your head back to stare at the ceiling while a drip of water collides with your forehead, dripping to the side.

As you look to the end of one of the three hallways, you can spot a figure pacing back and forth frantically.

"Hm?" You tilt your head back down and glance towards the direction, catching only a couple of words.

"Mmmppffft" The boy kneels down and stares at the floor with his hands grasping his head.

Why would Reiner be out here like this? He's probably freaking out about his parents or something, yeah.

Another, taller male figure rushes around the corner and stands before Reiner. He seems to be speaking about something but you aren't positive of the exact thing, all you can hear are mumbles.


You sit up a bit more and hope they don't see you.

The boy, you can guess is Bertholt, helps Reiner up and gives a quick glance in your direction before walking off with Reiner down an opposite hallway.

"Damnit..." You hop up and run down the stone hallway to the left. No one was supposed to know you where here.

You zip through several hallways before stopping when you see Bertholt at the end of the hallway and stop. You sigh and decide to just stop running away from people that spot you.


He walks over to you and checks the hallway behind himself.

"Shouldn't you be with the of the rest of everyone else?" He states nervously.

You flick your eyes to the side for a second before responding, "I didn't feel like it. And what were you both out here for?"

His eyes widen an unnoticeable amount and he walks in front of you, "Yeah..sorry about that he can be a little strange"

"That's fine"

He seems to already know why you were not with everyone else and why you where hiding away from everyone, his expression saddens as he puts a hand on your shoulder.

"My parents..." You drop your head down so a strand covers your face and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry for all this"

"No your fine, hey..uh.. if you need some company I'm right here" he stares at the floor.

"What? Really?" You glance back up and a small smile spreads across your face as you rap your arms around him.

"Yeah" he hugs you back awkwardly and waits for your next move.

"Well...we might as well walk around..." You stare down a hallway and pull him with you, a little happy someone actually acknowledged you for once.

He laughs a bit and plods beside you at a steady pace.

"Your a good person (y/n), you know that?" He says after an hour of other random chat.

"I have no way to tell" you seem taken back a bit by his comment and enjoy that he was being nice to you. He was a good friend that you often hung around when you where bored but, you weren't so sure yourself if you wanted to earlier today. Now you were just glad.

"Uh...I've been meaning to ask you..." He stops walking and shifts his weight to another foot.

"Huh?" You turn back around to face him.

"you don't happen anyone you?" He stutters playing with his shirt.

"..hmm...there's only one person, but that's it. They're basically my only friend too" you cross your arms for a moment.

"Uhhh..I have to..go.." He says with hurt and starts walking away only to be stopped when you grab his hand and pull him back.

"It's you"

"Huh? Wait.." He turns to you as you raise yourself up by your toes and press your lips softly against his.

"I guess I could stay with you for some more time.." He nervously says as he slips his hand into yours.

"That's what I thought."


Sorry for sucking


My mind wanted to be a bitch and fail on me, reason no. 12737 why I can't write in the normal setting.

I think I put about no brain power into this, It might not even make sense AT ALL I will never know.



*flips table*

*puts table back*

*flips again*

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