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The plot/storyline thing and charecters do not belong to me they are that one dudez

My favorite AoT pic↑, not my picture.

Uhm. Picture where did you go

Any errors? Just tell me.




You've become used to waking up at this time since its normal routine nowadays...for wake up an hour before everyone else does and meander sneakily around the campus or you find a tree to settle peacefully in till mornings breakfast. Breakfast can vary, its usually just a short version of lunch though.

Your eyes twist open finding themselves in your usual wakening spot; the bottom bunk in the girls cabin. You quietly swish up and gather your usual training outfit, doing so carefully enough to not wake the other sleeping girls. After forcefully shoving on the outfit you slip all the straps on along with your boots.

Today everyone was going to be practicing further with the (ODM)Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear, out of all the other people you found a way to enjoy slinging yourself through opsticles or the forest with your (h/l) hair trailing behind you. Almost every other person even complained about the aches and pains of having to streach and work their muscles basically everyday, but you still enjoyed it. Every sore muscle and aching calf you were just gladder to be getting more skilled. But there always is the fact that you are actually an expert at using your gear, and that is most likely a major part in your likeing of (ODM)Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear.

You quietly sneak outside enjoying the morning breeze tickling exposed flesh. It was still dark, but since their purpose is usually to get up as soon as the sun hits, youre safe. You continue on a bit more aware of the dark shapes when suddenly you turn a corner and run into a boy, you stumble backwards only to be caught by your sleeve in mid fall.

"(Y/n)?" The boy you now realize is Eren Jaeger questions, he stands with his arm extended grasping your sleeve and face in a place of slight confusion.

"(Y/n) what are you doing out here so early for?" He makes sure you aren't going to fall before releasing your sleeve and crossing his arms.

"Uhm..." You finish steadying yourself and think for a quick answer. "What are you doing out here so early for, Jaeger?" You throw the question right back at him and aparientally so by surprise.

"Um..." He grows a troubled look and you search his face for anything else.

"I'm taking a walk" you snap at him not wanting to wait any longer for his reply.

You have seen this boy around before plenty, he seems to stand out of crowds and is just different. He tends to get in fights with Jean, though you can't help but to think of what Eren might be like as a close friend.

"Yeah...that's what I was doing...taking a walk..." Eren cuts your thoughts off with this and scratches the back of his head.

You stand with your arms now crossed with you're eyes softened at his nervousness. You can also hear the chirping of grasshoppers not too far away.

"Where you buisy or may I walk with you?" Eren adds stepping to the right still with his previous expression.

"Hmm..." You wonder, though you weren't exactly planning on making a sort of alliance with this boy but you where happy he seems to be. It could be nice to hang out with someone other than Annie, Krista, Ymir, or the wind for once. You bring your lowered gaze back up to his.

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