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Hello! Caldar back here, how are you? I got an idea so now I'm acting on it, even though I most definitely do NOT have the time! :DDDDD

Anyway... I opened a request book! (duh, we see that)

Rules of requests:

- Please leave your requests in the comment section of the first chapter (which is this one)

- I can try to write romance, but NO smut...

- Silmarillion characters only! (I'm sorry but if you're interested, check out Eldacala's request book! She's amazing, and does any character!

- If I am unfamiliar with a character, I'll tell you, and you can tell me more about them! I mostly write elves, but if you can convince me to do something else, that works too!

- I don't discriminate! bxb or gxg is absolutely fine by me!

- Please tell me very specifically what you want me to write. Details!!

Formula of request (please use this, it makes my life easier. Thanks!):

- Name on Wattpad

- Name of OC (I can just use Y/N if you prefer, or if it doesn't have an OC, then say so)

- Silmarillion character(s) you want me to write about

- Summary: (e.g. Maedhros saves a human girl from orc attack near Himring, goes on to fall in love, etc... Or it doesn't have to be character x OC, it can be like... Maedhros, Maglor and Fingon are young elves, they get drunk in Tirion...) But please, BE. SPECIFIC. 

- Type of fic (Angsty, fluffy, romantic, etc... so I can know what kind of feeling to go for)

- Any topics or themes you want me to incorporate

- POV you want me to write in (1st, 2nd, 3rd person, revolving around who?)

- Other details worth mentioning

Ok! Now that's done, let me say a few things:

I do not own any characters from the Silmarillion. Tolkien does. I also do not own any OC's that the requesters came up with. 

I may not have an adequate amount of time, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be patient with me, I know you want your fanfic, and I'm probably trying to get it done as fast as I can. You can absolutely chat with me on Wattpad or even Quotev! (be warned, my inbox is bugging a bit, so if you send me a message there and I don't respond, just check with me in the comments, sometimes my messages don't get through). You can ask me how your fic is going, and I'll gladly tell you! Thank you for understanding! 

If I write "Requests closed" on the book, this may be temporary, so you feel free to check with me in the comments. I'll do my best to respond! 

I may not be the best at writing romance, because of, uh... *gestures to non existent romantic life* so please bear with me?.. I feel like all my hands can make is angst, angst and more angst. I wonder why? *ignores my depression*

I love all of you, so don't die! 

Have fun reading! I hope you enjoy the fanfics! (of course you can read them even if they're not yours)

- Caldar

Silmarillion Request Book [REQUESTS CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now