Elleth of the Iron Fortress: Mairon x Nariya (Part 1)

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Requested by Ghostchild31, the plot is her work! 

Trigger warnings: kidnapping, slavery (I don't really know, tell me if I should change any of these)

Curiosity, Nariya told herself, was the reason she was sneaking to the domed council room in her father's castle, the capital of the kingdom Esgarníth, in the late afternoon.

That, and because it was the feared lords of Angband that her father was meeting.

The very name sent a tremor down Nariya's spine. Angband.

It was barely a three-day ride from their kingdom just over Ered Luin. Nariya had often dreamt of the three-peaked mountain and the rumors shrouding the fortress. To think that the very lords that ruled that prison were here, in her father's kingdom, made her blood run cold.

The two territories had been waging war for years now. Lord Melkor and his lieutenant Mairon had come here for a "negotiation"; her father had accepted.

Nariya snapped back to the present, careful not to make any sound as she crept towards the side entrance of the council room. The arched door was wide open. Voices floated down the hall, too low for her to hear. Nariya took a few tentative steps closer, standing with her back against the wall next to the frame before poking her head around the corner to catch a glimpse of the dreaded lords.

Big mistake.

Warm, amber eyes met Nariya's sapphire ones, and she felt a shock ripple down her body. Lord Mairon was staring directly at her, his handsome face unnaturally expressionless.

Nariya stood frozen for a second, drawing the eyes of Lord Melkor and Haradrenion, her father. With her breath caught in her throat, she fled outside as if the devil was chasing her.


"Was that your daughter?" Mairon drawled, one foot propped up on the circular table in front of him.

Haradrenion's jaw tightened. "Yes."

"She's quite pretty," remarked the Maia, idling watching as the so-called king stiffened and shifted in his seat.

Melkor snorted. "Back to what we were discussing," he cut in. "How about you hand over your little kingdom? Then we can leave your people in peace and let you and your daughter leave freely, without harm."

"Never in a thousand ages would I hand over my land–" Haradrenion proclaimed. Mairon held up a hand lazily. "Or we could just take your daughter instead," he joked with a crooked smile. His comment earned him another amused snort from Melkor.

Mairon was more than shocked when he beheld the expression on Haradrenion's face. As if he was actually considering handing her over. Mairon thought it would have taken a lot more convincing. In his experience, parents would go to great lengths to protect their children. Haradrenion's behavior was seriously uncharacteristic. Only centuries of training kept his expression neutral.

"If you promise never to attack or bother Esgarníth again, I will give you my daughter and only child, Nariya," Haradrenion decided.

A painful silence ensued that proposition as Melkor now gazed at the king with great curiosity.

"You would give us your only daughter?" He questioned, rather amused by the turn of events.

"If she is the price of my kingdom, you may have her."

Mairon sat up straight and addressed the elf. "Does your precious kingdom hold so much value that it outweighs the love for your daughter? Are you really giving her up this easily?"

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