Celegorm x human OC: Archery Practice

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Inspired by my irl friend. I may have found a new favorite trope.

Not requested by anyone, other than my inner demon. Love you, Didi!

You know that smirk means nothing good.

Celegorm stops before you, one hand on his waist.

"My lord." You bow.

That smirk only gets wider. He makes a mocking incline of his head. "My lady. Care to learn archery with me today?"

Even though his tone is questioning, polite, even friendly, you know it's not a request. How could you refuse? He had, after all, saved you from orcs in his territory. Now you were his guest. Guest.

You swallow down your nervousness and nod, not trusting yourself to speak. Gods, why were you so nervous?

His predatory gaze doesn't abate as he extends a hand to you. "This way, Y/N."

The archery range turns out to be a long stretch of sand, and a solitary stone shack adjacent to it. You swallow again. There is one elf, standing at the very edge of the fenced-in area, shooting at the brightly painted targets at the very end. Surely you wouldn't be expected to shoot so far?

What your human vision had not detected before was the bull's eye after bull's eye the elf was shooting. You barely manage to keep your jaw from falling to the ground. Elves, it seemed, were much more different than you had expected at first. They were not just pretty humans with pointy ears. No, indeed, they seemed like something from another world. But you still could not help but admire their beauty, especially that of your rescuer's, Celegorm.

The archer lowers his bow as you two approach and gives a polite bow, before swiftly retrieving his arrows and leaving the range without a word.

Celegorm takes a bow, an armguard, and a quiver of arrows from the shack. He leans the bow and quiver against the fence, holding a hand out.

"Give me your arm."

The words sound like a pure command, and you give him both of them, not quite sure what to do.

"Which arm?"

"Which one do you fight with?"

You drop your left arm. "Um, right."

He leans down and grabs your left arm instead. "You pull the string with your right hand, so hold the bow in your left."

You awkwardly nod, watching the way Celegorm's blond hair shines in the sun.

"The bracer is so that your bowstring doesn't hit your forearm."

His blue-gray eyes burn into your skin as you try to look anywhere but at him. "Yes. I understand."

Celegorm slips the arm guard onto your forearm and ties the strings. You try to hide your blush as his hand grazes over your bare wrist. His skin is surprisingly warm. Gods, what was wrong with you?

"Is it tight enough?"

Again, it isn't quite a question. You have to clear your throat before speaking.


He drops your left arm and strings the bow for you, making you feel more ignorant than ever. Edain simply did not teach women to do anything.

You study the way Celegorm bends the bow, how his back shifts, how he frowns slightly in concentration.

He straightens and stares directly at you. "What."

"I'm sorry?"

"Why are you staring?"

Your cheeks redden. "I- I wasn't-"

He smirks. "Enjoying the view?"

"No, I-" You stammer.

Gods, you wished you could disappear.

Celegorm turns away and chucks the bow at you. You fumble, barely managing to not drop it.

He walks towards the middle of the range, and you sigh in relief. At least you wouldn't have to shoot so far.

"Bring the quiver," he commands you.

You take it and sling it across your back, unsure.

Celegorm instructs you on how to hold the bow, how to position your legs and arms. He shows you how to nock an arrow on the bowstring.

"Pull the string back to your ear," he says, standing at your shoulder.

You do as he suggests, but your arm trembles when you try to pull it farther. Archery, it turns out, was easier said than done.

Celegorm suddenly leans forward and puts both his hands on yours, helping you pull back the bow. You stiffen. You are now pressed into his back, with his arms around you. Not for the first time, you notice how Celegorm towers over you. His hair tickles your neck.

You try to calm your heartbeat and stop the deep red that now tints your entire face. Why are you like this?

"Enjoying it?" His voice is lower. You detect a hint of playfulness that hadn't been there before. Celegorm certainly was enjoying teasing you.

Your face gets even redder. You can't choke out words.

His breath tickles your ear as make another effort to concentrate. Your arms are getting tired, still pulling the bowstring.


You do as he says, squinting at the target.


You obey and Celegorm lets his hand go. "Fire," he tells you.

You let go of the string, which hits your armguard. The arrow spins and flies towards the target, landing in the third ring.

Celegorm gives a low laugh. "Not bad, Y/N, not bad at all." He backs away. "Now shoot another."

This was going to be a long, long day. 

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