The Start of Another Time: Andromeda x Maedhros (Part 2)

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Colorful, twinkling lights were strung among the branches of the Two Trees, adding to their natural glow. People mingled on the plain, chatting and drinking. The fourteen Valar stood at the base of Laurelin and Telperion, along with a few Maiar.

Manwë stepped forward to make a speech, no doubt on their victory. He raised his hands for the crowd's attention, and the murmurs instantly died down.

"Free peoples of Middle-earth and Valinor!" Manwë paused. "Morgoth, Black Foe of the World, has been defeated!"

Cheers rang out from the assembled crowd.

Manwë waited patiently until the cheers died down somewhat. "We shall celebrate and honor our heroes!" He beckoned to a woman standing behind Varda. "Andromeda!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd once more. Rumors spread fast, and killing Morgoth was no small feat.

Andromeda stepped up gracefully, an easy smile on her face. Her depthless eyes scanned the crowd and settled on a redheaded elf for a brief moment. The corner of her mouth seemed to lift a bit more, but she turned away. Maedhros's expression, on the other hand, was unreadable.

His short speech finished, Manwë stepped down from the slightly elevated platform. The chatter resumed. The Trees glowed a bit brighter; the stars slowly made their ascent overhead.

Andromeda glided through the crowd, making her way towards Maedhros. Hushed whispers followed her. However much of a hero Andromeda was, no one could forget that she was Morgoth's daughter. Andromeda brushed off the unease like it was nothing, with the easy grace she possessed.

Maedhros wished he could claim the same of himself, but the murmurs of kinslayer and murderer upset him more than he cared to admit. Even with millennia, his crimes could not be forgotten.


He found Andromeda's eyes fixed on his own, searching. She seemed concerned. He realized he had been zoning out, dragging up memories of the kinslayings, and the burning of ships, and the deaths–

"Sorry, yes?"

Andromeda tapped the side of her head. "What's going on?"

Maedhros shrugged, breaking eye contact. "I... nothing. It's nothing." Valar, if she ever found out what he had done...

Andromeda tilted her head as if she could see all the thoughts rushing through his head. "Tell me about Valinor, then. Before. In the good times."

Maedhros obliged, and the two stood under the tree-light, talking while the stars flew past.

Most had left the plain already. A few lingered, among them some of the Gondolindrim and Finwëans.

"It is strange," Maedhros said. "It is almost like nothing has changed." He looked towards the palace that sat on the hill near Tirion.

Andromeda nodded, her gaze lingering on the two main groups of elves near the Trees. One was the Gondolindrim, Maedhros had told her. Five elves stood together, another one joining them from the Finwëans. Turgon. Four other figures stood a little ways apart from the others. Two of them looked rather awkward like they were reluctant to join the conversations. The other two elves, one with dark hair and the one with blond hair, sat in the grass together, holding hands.

"Who are they?" Andromeda asked.

"Glorfindel and Ecthelion, Lords of Gondolin." A smile crept up on Maedhros's face. "I was never close, but rumor has it that they... had a thing for each other. I suppose that must be true."

"And the other two?"

The redhead's smile faded somewhat. "Traitors to Gondolin. Salgant and Maeglin." He stood up. "Shall we join my family?" 

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