Chapter 2 ✓

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The feeling that your heart jumps out your chest due vibrations of the music when you enter a club. In other words,  a party.
It's gross that I stand next to people who probably haven't showered in the past week.
Because yes, that is what some people do. Here I am, in a black crop top and a black jacket with white and dark aqua blue lines, in the middle of a crowd. I wear also fabric pants, it's wide so you can move in it. I walk further into the room, the further I walk the busier it gets. I look around and only see drunk people dancing on the loud music. Some are on the side with a beer in their hands. Some people are kissing. Just a normal club where you can go ahead, enjoying your weekend. I am not here for pleasure, but for work. Stay sharp.

"Wats up girl, you're alone tonight!?" Someone said over the loud music. He has a accent. I turn around.

"Not interested!" I said to him

"I didn't say anything yet!"

It's hard to talk when the music is so loud. The boy has long  blond hair. Sea blue eyes and he stinks of sweat. He probably forgot that deodorant exists. He's standing there with beer in his hands, staring at me. Ugh, I hate this.

"I'm sorry I've go to say this again, but uh. Im! not! Interested! And if you gonna follow me when I leave! I think you will not see California again! "

I see his stiff face. I turn around and move through the hustle and bustle. In the distance I see the bar. Beer is prepared to give. I sit on the crutch. Now I wait. I'll be there for a few minutes. I see many people around the age of 20 dancing. Younger or older, it doesn't matter. I scan every person's club. Looking for someone who behaves suspiciously. Girls staring at guys? No. Guys who observes everything? I don't think so. A couple making out? Completely normal. This is gonna take long. A few people have already stood at the bar, doing nothin and leaving after a few seconds with alcohol in their hands. Another boy came to the bar and ordered something. No idea what, that's because I'm looking at every person here. But he started to talk. Too me.

"Are you having fun tonight?"

Just ignore and don't look at him. He'll be gone later and I'll be able to concentrate on what I'm really doing here.

"Well uh, I'm having."

Oh boy, please not again. Then my eye picks up 2 men. They dressed in black. Yep, there they are. I'm keeping an eye on them.

"I'm Tom by the way."

I see the 2 men looking around, and disappear behind a door. I get up and turn my head towards the young man. I look at his hand stretched out forward, excepting me to shake it. I quickly look at the brown eyes again.

"And you are.." expecting me 5o finish the sentence.

"Leaving" I replied

I walk away from him, looking for the 2 men behind that door. I opened the door and stuck my head out. I saw an alley with the 2 men. One is bald and the other had black hair and a beard. One is very muscular and big. The other is slightly smaller, but seems smarter. Okay, what and how am I going to handle this. I see a bag where the drugs are probably kept. But you can't just take it. This will be another trick. I walk out the door and close it. It makes a little louder noise than I thought. Okay, acting skills up. Pretend you're drunk.

"Oh hey guys, didn't see you there." I said where I staggered to the men. The faces don't change. They just stare at me. I walk towards them.

"Well, you two are very handsome." I let a blurb .

"So sorry, I'm so sorry."

I see that they are looking at each other and then the big muscular man is looking at me.

"You need to leave, young lady." said the muscular man in a deep, deep voice.

"Why, I would. It's fun out here!"

There is a silence. I start to laugh.

"Omg, you guys are so funny!"

"She drink too much" she says to the other man in a Moroccan accent and makes a movement with his head to the door. I went to the bag next to the big guy. He looks with frown eyebrows.

At that moment the door swung open. I turned around. You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

"Hey leaving! What are you doing here?" said the boy, I believe his name was Tom. He walks towards us.
"My fucking name is not 'leaving'. Stalker!"

"Uuuuh" he looks at me. "Well, what are you doing with this not that good looking guy."

The muscular man steps up to him: "what did you say?"

He face him.

"WOW, you're big, okay." Tom said and swallowed in a frightened stuttering voice.

He looks up at the face of the man standing directly in front of him.

"How did you become so muscular man. You've gotta be in the gym for like 3 hours a day. Those muscles are the size of my head, ha!" When he said that, he points his finger to the man and looks at me for a moment before looking at the man again. I sigh. Plan has fallen apart.

"What's up with the hair dude"

Allright, He's a idiot.

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