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It was day three at camp. Dan had been avoiding Phil, which was hard to do considering that he always "coincidentally" came to the same activities that Dan decided to do. If Dan went to archery, so would Phil. If Dan went to play football, so would Phil. It was like he was trying to get Dan to hate him.

The whole hate thing wasn't working very well. Every time the taller one would glance at Phil, Dan would feel weak. All he had to do was say his name and he'd fall into his arms. He must've known that he had this power, because when it was time to go to morning activities, Phil followed Dan, calling his name.

"Dan!" he yelled, running after the younger one. "Hold on a sec."

Dan kept walking, trying to ignore him. He was also trying to hide his obvious flushed face that got redder every time he said his name.

"Hey," Phil said, finally grabbing his arm. "In a rush to get away from me?" He smiled a genuine smile, sending Dan's mind reeling. He was so beautiful that he wondered if he actually existed. Did he just make him up? How could someone so perfect actually exist?

"Hello?" Phil asked upon seeing Dan's blank face. 

"No. I'm not in a rush to get away from you."

"Oh. Well you've been avoiding me."

"I wonder why," Dan mumbled. He turned away from Phil's blue eyes.

"Don't get so butthurt-"

"Is that a gay joke?" the chestnut-haired one asked, interrupting him. "Because we're not having this conversation again. I'm straight. End of story."

Phil suppressed a smile. "It wasn't a gay joke."

Dan ignored Phil and kept walking down to the start of the hiking trail. A counselor was taking campers on a "guided tour of the camp." Phil kept walking behind him, obviously not leaving. When they got to the hiking trail, Dan realised how many people really liked hiking: none. It was just Phil, the hiking guide, and himself. 

"Alright, we've got some adventurers here," said the hiking guide. He was older, in his fourties, and was obviously an outdoorsman. "Let's get going."

The guide walked quickly down the trail. "Today, we're going to see Angelhair Falls, the camp's one and only waterfall. You're both going to get a chance to go swimming if you want to."

Dan cringed. The idea of being shirtless around the older one scared him. Phil already undressed Dan with his eyes on a daily basis. The two boys walked in silence as the hiking guide told them a bunch of shit that they couldn't give a crap about.

When they finally arrived at the waterfall, the guide said that he was going to take a rest and that he and Phil could swim. Phil threw his shirt off and then looked at Dan. "You coming in?"

Dan shook his head and sat on a rock. There was no way in hell that he'd be shirtless and alone with Phil. He watched as Phil took off his shorts and shoes and was now just in his boxers. Dan felt his pulse increase rapidly. He watched as Phil's ebony hair got wet.

No. Stop. Being gay is wrong. You're not a faggot.

Then he remembered what Phil had whispered.

There's nothing wrong with being a faggot.

Dan stood up and took off his shirt, shoes, and shorts. Phil was too busy swimming around near the waterfall to notice. Dan walked into the water and paddled over to Phil. He poked him on the arm. The older one turned around and looked at Dan. The lust in his eyes was obvious.

"Are you gay?" asked Dan suddenly. He dipped his head back into the water, getting it wet and curly.

Phil smiled in the way that made Dan feel nauseous, with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. "If it wasn't obvious....then yeah. I am." 

Dan smiled and splashed Phil. "Me too."


I'll definitely update later today. :D

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