Parent Visitation

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It was one month into camp, which meant that it was already halfway over. And since it was halfway over, that meant one thing: parent visitation.

Dan awoke to birds singing and brought his pillow over his ears. Why did they insist on singing at five in the morning? There he laid until he was forced out of bed by Steven, who Dan found far too enthusiastic about parent visitation.

Phil awoke from his slumber easily, getting out of his bed and stretching. He looked at the brunette and could tell that he hadn't slept much. 

"What's wrong?" the older one questioned.

"Nothing," Dan replied, getting up and stretching. The two males both got clothes out of their trunks and changed, much like everyone else in their cabin.

"Is your mum visiting today?" 

"Yeah. How about your's?" he asked Phil.

"No. She's on call." Phil's mum was an accident and emergency nurse and couldn't be too far from home in case of an emergency at the hospital.

All of the boys in the cabin got changed and then made their beds. Steven had informed them that, although he didn't care about neatness, he wanted everyone's parents to be impressed. So they swept the floor, neatly folded their clothes, and reorganised their trunks accordingly. Before they knew it, parents were arriving.

Dan stood with Phil by the gravel driveway, waiting for his mum to arrive. When she finally did, she wrapped him in a tight hug as if she hadn't seen him in years. 

"How are you, sweetie? How do you like camp? How are the activities? Have you met a lot of people? How's the food? Do you always get your laundry back?" All of the questions flew out of her mouth rapidly. When she pulled away from the hug, she noticed Phil standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

"Who's this?" she asked, smiling and looking at the black-haired male standing before her.

"That's Phil," Dan introduced quietly, "He' friend," he finished.

Mrs. Howell smiled and told her son's friend that it was nice to meet him. Phil gave an awkward half smile in return.

"Phil's mum works in the hospital so she couldn't come," the brunette explained. 

"Well, I'd be happy to be given the tour by two handsome young men," she replied. Dan blushed in embarrassment.

After showing Mrs. Howell their cabin, the lake, and all the activities, Dan and Phil realised that they had free time before the parents would eat dinner with their sons.

"I know what we can do," said Dan's mum, standing up from being sat on her son's bed, "I'll go get my camera from the car and we'll take some photos of you two." She stood up and walked out of the cabin, leaving the the pair alone for the first time that day.

"She doesn't know, does she?" asked Phil, standing up and walking to Dan's bed.

"No," replied the younger one, knowing exactly what the older one was talking about.

"Are you ashamed of it?"

"No, it's just that....I want her to be proud of me."

"Will you liking guys make her any less proud of you?"

"I don't know," said Dan honestly. 

On the first day of camp, the look that his mother had given him when he called the camp "Camp Gay" had been a look of disappointment and disgust. He hated seeing that look on his mum's face.

"Well, I don't really think that it's fair of you to be treating me like I'm just some friend."

It was true; they were more than friends. They had spent countless evenings sneaking off at the nighttime fire circle to make out in their cabin.

Dan sighed. "I'm sorry, Phil." He truly felt horrible, and he didn't know what for. 

Phil grabbed Dan's face and pulled him close, brushing his lips across Dan's. It was a sweet, slow, and forgiving kiss that made them both feel butterflies in their stomachs.

"I found the camera-"

The pair pulled apart immediately. 

Mrs. Howell was standing in the doorway of the cabin, her eyes wide and her face filled with concern. 

"Mum...I-" Dan started.

His mum held up her hand, signaling him to stop. Her voice was coated with disgust and disappointment, just like he'd been afraid of. "Daniel. I want you to pack up your things. When I leave here tonight, you're coming home with me."


Eh, sorry about that...more coming soon. x

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