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The pair was walking back to their cabin, Dan in his clothes that he'd brought for after his shower, and Phil in his soaking wet clothes. This earned Phil strange looks from all of the other campers, but he knew that any other campers that came into the bathhouse probably heard them. 

Dan laughed, looking at Phil in his soaked clothes. "You look like you fell into a lake," he stated.

Phil smiled. "If anyone asks, that's what happened." 

This caused the brunette to laugh even more. "What happens when people ask why I can't walk right?"

"Tell them you had buttsex with Phil and they'll leave you alone."

"Shh!" Dan said, shoving the older one playfully and looking around. He lowered his voice. "I'm not telling them that!"

"In case you didn't know, everyone in the bathhouse probably heard us. It's not that hard to tell what we were doing with you screaming my name and cursing up a storm."

"Hey!" the brunette's face went red.

Phil giggled and walked up the steps to the cabin. He turned around. "Try to walk like you didn't just lose your butt virginity." 

This resulted in Dan's face getting a shade redder and nodding to Phil. They walked in the cabin to find all of the others in the cabin just staring at them. Phil knew that word got around the camp quickly. Someone had probably been in the bathhouse and told everyone. 

Making an attempt to act normally, the black-haired one pulled fresh clothes out of his trunk and changed into them, which made the other males look away and go back to what they were doing. Dan laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling, trying not to smile. 

That evening, the camp was having its annual cook-out instead of eating in the dining hall. As Dan walked up the hill, he looked up at the night stars. He was really sore but was trying to hide it, as there were campers and staff alike who had heard them earlier. Phil was back at the cabin trying to find his sweatpants so that he wouldn't get too many bug bites.

Steven, Dan and Phil's counselor, came up beside Dan. "Hey," Steven said casually.

"Hi," he replied, putting his hands in his hoodie pocket. 

", do you mind if I ask you a question?" the counselor asked.

"Go ahead," Dan mumbled, looking at the ground as he kept walking.

"What's going on between you and Phil? Look, I'm not judging you guys, but everyone's talking about it...where did you two come back from today during rest hour?"

"I was taking a shower," the camper replied, feeling blood rushing to his cheeks. He was grateful for the darkness so that his counselor couldn't see his face. 

"Oh. Well you know, if anything happened, or there's something you want to tell me, you can trust me. I won't tell anyone or judge you."

"You obviously know that something happened already, so what is everyone saying?" Dan questioned.

Steven was quiet for a moment, as if deciding whether or not he should confront him. "They're saying that you and Phil had sex in the shower...and if you did, I'm okay with it, but it's against camp rules. I won't tell anyone though. I'll just say that I talked to you and we sorted it all out."

"Uhm...yeah," he confirmed quietly. "We didn't plan on it, it just sort of-"

"Happened?" Steven finished for him. Dan nodded. Dan imagined that his face was as red as a tomato.

"You're straight?" the counselor asked the camper, remembering what he told him on the first day of camp. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 

Dan laughed out loud, now realising how ridiculous it sounded. "Yeah," he replied sarcastically, "Totally."


I hope that my awkwarness doesn't hurt you too much :)

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