Never Again

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Steven woke up the next morning to his mini alarm beeping underneath his pillow like it did everyday. He stood up and stretched, making sure that all the campers were there. He looked around, mentally taking attendance. 

Luke, PJ, Charlie,  Alex, Chris, Phil, Dan....

Steven rubbed his tired eyes and looked again. Dan?

The brunette was lying in Phil's bed with him. He had his regular clothes on, his shoes kicked onto the floor. The black-haired one curled into the other male's chest, his head resting on him. Steven examined the rest of the beds, making sure that the other campers weren't awake yet.

"Hey," he whispered, leaning down and shaking the mattress of Phil's bed. "Wake up, lovebirds," he persisted.

Phil, being so used to being woken up by him, opened his eyes and looked up at his counselor and then at Dan next to him. Looking back at Steven again, he gave a lopsided grin.

"What's he doing here?" the counselor whispered. He gestured to Dan.


Steven raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

"He got out of his mum's car at a stop sign, caught a train, and then walked the rest of the way here?" Phil replied sheepishly. It came out as more of a question than an answer.

"Oh my god, why?" the counselor whispered loudly, running a hand through his hair. "Does his mum know where he is?"


"Phil! The police are gonna show up here! I'm calling his mum right now."

"Wait!" Phil said, trying not to move in fear of waking Dan up. "Do you even know why she took him home?"

"No, but that's not my business-"

"Dan's mum pulled him out of camp because she walked in on us kissing. She's so homophobic that she actually took her son out of camp because he's gay."

Steven's exasperated facial expression changed to an outraged one. "What? Why would she-You know what? No. It's not my job to get involved with Dan's family life, and I'm certainly not going to tell his mum what to do. If he ran away, then she must be worried."

"As soon as you call Dan's mum, she'll come get him and leave. And take my boyfriend away from me so that I'll probably never see him again."

The counselor sighed. "I'm sorry. But I have to do what's right and call his mum." He headed out of the cabin to go to the camp office to call Mrs. Howell.

Phil nuzzled his head into Dan's chest again and felt his ribcage rise and fall gently with each breath. More than anything, he wanted him to stay, even if it meant lending Dan everything that he needed for the rest of the summer because his mum still had his trunk. Even if it meant snuggling up in the same bed every night, Phil wanted his boyfriend to stay.

A few minutes later, the cabin door opened and Steven told Phil that Dan's mum was coming to get him and that he should wake Dan up. Then he started getting the other campers up, which resulted in the two males getting strange looks when they all got up.

"Dan," Phil whispered, kissing his boyfriend on the nose. "Get up."

The brunette slowly opened his brown eyes and then smiled. "Hey," he said.

Phil gave him a half smile. "Your mum is coming. Steven called her."

The younger one's smile was gone in an instant. "I knew it wouldn't last long. It's not like my mum wouldn't find me if he didn't call her."

"I'm sorry," the older one said.

"Daniel James Howell," said Mrs. Howell when she saw her son standing in the parking lot with his backpack on one shoulder with Phil standing next to him, holding hands. She slammed her car door shut. Her eyes looked tired. "Why would you do this?" she asked.

"I didn't want to go home," he said quietly.

"So instead you jump out of the car and run away? And don't answer your phone? I was worried sick about you."

"I don't see why you care," the brunette said, squeezing Phil's hand.

"I'm your mother. Of course I care about you." She looked down at her son's and Phil's hands linked together and then gave Phil a nasty glare.

Dan saw it and furrowed his eyebrows. "You only care about what you want for me. You don't care about what I want. I didn't even want to go to this camp but you made me, and now, when  want to stay, you don't care. You want to take me home. I don't even understand why. Why would you take me home in the middle of the summer?"

"My motives are none of your concern," Mrs. Howell replied. "If I want to take you home, then I can."

"It obviously didn't work out very well the last time."

"That's enough. We're leaving," she told him, taking his arm and trying to pull him to the car.

Dan gripped Phil's hand tightly and pulled him close. He leaned in and kissed his boyfriend.

"I've had enough of this," Mrs. Howell said, dropping her son's arm from her grip. Dan pulled away from Phil and looked at his mum.


"You can stay. Just stay here and be a faggot, then," Mrs. Howell said as if she were disgusted. She opened the back of the car and got Dan's trunk out which she had apparently left in there.

The couple watched as she slammed the back of the car closed and opened the door to get in the driver's seat.

"I'll be back to pick you up on the last day of camp, and then, after that, you are never coming back here again, do you understand? After the last day of camp, you and your 'boyfriend' are never going to see each other again, and you will come home and find a nice girl to date or something. A boyfriend is out of the question."

With that, she got in and slammed the door shut and drove away.


It's been such a long time since I updated this! Do you like my use of YouTubers' names up there? ^_^ This is a bit of a filler chapter, so I'm sorry that it's not that good. More coming soon x

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