5. I love you. (Daniel's photo attached to the side)

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"When my price got fixed"

Chapter 5:

What has this guy done to me? Why is he making me go this crazy for him?

"Bella, you just had your first wet dream." i said to myself.

I looked at the clock, the time was about 7am in the morning. I was not at all sleepy. I went to the bathroom, stripped down and took a shower. After the shower, i went to my wardrobe and wore a tank top and shorts. I left my waist length hair open and applied some makeup which was kept on the dressing table. After taking a final look at myself in the mirror, i got out of the room and slowly came downstairs. I didn't wanted to disturb Edward in his sleep.

I didn't knew anything about where i was living so i thought of exploring the place around. I opened the main entrance door slowly and got out of the house shutting the door slowly behind me. I saw a beautiful garden in the front yard of the house.

I took a look around and saw some people around who were basically taking morning walk. I didn't knew where i was so i rather thought of just getting out of the house and roaming around. I wandered around for a few minutes. I was thinking about going back to Edward's house when a stranger; correction, extremely hot stranger stopped by me.

"Hey new around?" he asked with a smile.

"Mhmmm yea." i replied.

"Hi, I'm Daniel, Daniel Andrew." he said and extended his hand for a handshake.

"Hi, I'm Bella, Bella Horan." i said shaking his hand.

"Oh Bella, nice name." he said smiling.

"Thank you." i blushed a little.

"Where are you staying Bella?" he asked.

At this question of his, i completely froze. I didn't actually knew what to answer him.

He looked at my blank expression and said, "Its perfectly alright Bella if you don't tell me. No one would tell a stranger anyways."

I did not reply him.

After a pause he said, "Hey Bella nice to meet you. I gotta leave."

"Okay. Nice to meet you too Daniel." i said.

I turned around to leave but stopped as soon as he called my name.

"Hey Bella!"

"Yea?" i turned around to face him.

"Can i have your number please?" he asked.

I chuckled. "I lost my cellphone."

"Oh! Umm how can i contact you then?" he asked looking down.

"Just come to Edward Turner's home, you'll find me there. Bye." i said, turned around and started walking back home.

I heard a faint 'bye' from him. I walked back home. I slowly opened the main enterance and got inside, i swiftly closed the door and sighed.

"He did not see me. Thank God!" i whispered to myself.

"Who did not see you Bella?" i gasped and turned around to face Edward.

"ummm" i looked at him with a puppy dog face.

"Where were you Bella?" he asked with a stern voice.

"Oh that- haha i- i went- i went to take a morning walk. Ya a morning walk." i stuttered.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yep." i said popping the 'p'.

"Excuse me, i gotta drink some water. Pftt my throat is dry. Oh my! I took such a long walk." i said quickly and rushed to the kitchen. I tried my best to ignore Edward at this moment.

He walked in the kitchen. I was facing the kitchen counter. He came behind me and grabbed me by the waist and turned me around to face him. Our lips were just inches apart. I could feel his warm breath.

"Ain't you such a good liar." he smirked.

"I did not lie to you." i said confidently.

His hold on my waist tightened and he pulled me closer to him.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yea." i whispered.

I closed my eyes. I felt him kiss my neck. He sucked on my delicate skin. I moaned out of pleasure.

"Edward?" i whispered.

"Yeah babe?" he asked.

"I-i wanna say something." i stuttered.

"Yeah baby?"

"I love you." i whispered slowly.

His grip on me loosened and he pushed me.

"What did you just say?" he asked. I could read his expression, he was angry.

"I said, i love you Edward." i whispered.

"Ha! Wow Bella. And you think im gonna believe it? The girl who was tellin me 2 days ago that she hates me is saying I love you to me today. " he said moving back.

"I love you Edward. I really love you!" i screamed.

"Oh please Bella. What will you take to stop all this bullshit? Who taught you to trick men in these ways? Your mom? Oh wait, i forgot that its in a whore's inbuilt nature." he shot back.

His words stabbed me. He called me a whore. How can he? Tears streamed down my face.

"What are you crying for? I just spoke the truth. Whores like you are sold and bought everyday in the market." he said and walked out of the kitchen.

His words hurted me. I never thought he would behave with me in such a way. I regret my decision of saying that i love him. I quickly ran past him to my bedroom and layed on my bed and sobbed quietly.

I heard footsteps on the stairs & then I heard Edward talking to someone on the phone.

"What the fuck happened now?" he screamed to the person on the other side of the phone.

"What? Daniel Andrew?" he screamed.

"How did he even dare come near her?" he asked to the person on the other side of the phone.

After a long pause he spoke, "I'll see to it. Okay. Yah. Bye."

"Bella!" he screamed my name so loud, i got scared.

The door of my room flew open, and he came in. I could tell he was boiling with anger.

"Bella you fucking lied to me!" he screamed on the top of his voice. "Who do you think you are to do all this crap?"

I did not respond to him, i just looked into his eyes. My tears stopped now.

He came near me and grabbed my hands. "Bella tell me, you met Daniel Andrew. Didn't you?"

Suddenly all the flashback came rushing back. I froze. Shit! What will he do now?


Author's notes:

Cliffhangers? Aha. Well Bella did a big mistake by saying I love you. This chapter showed the violent side of Edward. Hope you guys are liking this book. :) thank you guys for all the reads, votes and fans, means alot to me. :)

Oh and how was your Christmas guys? :D hope you had a lovely one. Wishing you a happy new year. x

Daniel Andrew's photo attached to the side.



FAN. :)

-Bella&Liz. x

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