9. Stay with me. (William's photo attached to the side)

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"When my price got fixed."

*Read end notes, important.*

Chapter 9:

All i could hear were faint voices. It was Edward speaking to someone.

"I will fucking kill you William!" Edward screamed.

"Not my fault bro, she's a human." the other person said.

"And you think whatever you did to her was good?" Edward said still screaming.

"Well but, chill man. She's not a Vampire yet." the other person replied.

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a few times. All i could see was the ceiling. I looked around and saw Edward standing with a guy, i couldn't see that guy clearly, my vision was a bit blurry.

"Bro, i guess she's awake." the other person said.

Edward shot his head up, turned around and came to me. He sat down beside me on the bed and held my hand.

"Bella you know how worried i was?" he said looking into my eyes.

"But what happened?" i asked. I don't remember anything.

"Bella, i'll tell you but not now, later. You don't need to stress much now." he said and held my hand tighter.

I nodded.

"And hey by the way meet him. He's William Watson, my brother from another mother; oh i mean my really good friend." Edward said with a smile as he pointed towards William.

I looked at William. He had a strong muscular frame, piercing black eyes and tanned skin. He was dressed in casuals and well yeah he was hot. Correction, not hotter than Edward.

"Hi William!" i said as i tried to get up and shake hands with him but Edward signalled me to lay down.

"Hello beautiful Bella, nice to meet you." he said with a smirk.

I blushed and looked down.

Edward sent daggers to William with his eyes as if saying 'Don't even try on her'.  

William nodded.

"So i think i should leave you two alone for some time. Ed im downstairs, meet me later. And see you later too Bella." William said as he got out of my room, shutting the door behind him.

"Bella how're you feeling?" Edward asked.

"Im feeling good, just a bit tired. But atleast tell me what happened for the peace of my mind." i said looking at Edward.

"Okay okay i will tell you but promise me you won't be angry?" Edward said looking a bit tensed.

I nodded my head assuring him.  

"So Bella when we reached home, i didn't knew my friend William would be here already. He's not used to humans and he can't control himself near humans. And your smell Bella; its so mesmerizing. So when he saw you, he rushed quickly to you and before i could do anything, his fangs were inside you." Edward paused.

My eyes widened. "You mean he- he sucked my blood and im a Vam- Vampire?" i stammered.

"No, no. Please don't even say that. I don't want to give you a life in which you live but without any soul. Bella, don't worry. Nothing happened. I moved him away before he could release his venom in you. You just passed out and you did not transform to be a blood sucking creature like us." Edward said and his hands trailed to my neck. He rubbed my neck. 

I rubbed the same spot and found that there were two marks on it.

"Will the marks go?" i asked.

He nodded and hugged me.

"Im so sorry Bella. I never wanted this to happen, yet it happened. Im sorry." he said as he hugged me tighter.

His grip on me loosened as he got up to leave.

"Edward?" i whispered.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Stay with me?" i said.

He smiled and layed beside me on the bed. His hands wrapped tightly around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I could feel his warm breath and slumber took over me.

**Edward's POV**

She looked so cute as she slept. I slowly moved my hands from her waist and slowly got out of the bed. She fidgeted a bit but then she was at ease. I smiled to myself and slowly got out of the room shutting the door behind me. I got downstairs where William was sitting like a couch potato and watching tv. I sat next to him. He looked at me and smiled.

"What are you gonna do next bro?" he asked.

"I don't know man. Haven't planned anything." i said. "And why the fuck you putted them fangs of yours in her, can't you just control yourself?" i screamed said.

"Woah Ed calm down. She smells like heaven, how can i control near her?" he said with a smirk.  

I could just break his nose right now.

"You need to control near her or well stop coming here, okay?" i said. I was angry.

"Okay okay man. I won't do anything again." he said with a smile.

I nodded my head.

"Hey Ed, what say about a date with her?" William asked out of nowhere.

"WHAAT?" i screamed.

"Aha. Yes. You should take her out somewhere on a date." he said with a bright smile.

"But why? How?" i asked, i was confused.

"Look, you told me she confessed that she loves you. So its time you confess about your feelings aswell. Come on Edward. And the date would be a perfect occassion to do it. I'll help you out." He said and got up.

"Okay thats a perfect plan. And hey, where're you going now?" i asked.

"Im not going, WE are going. Its evening now. Im sure, Bella will be sleeping 'til tomorrow morning. We got a day to plan the date, gotta start now. Now come on Edward get up fast." William said as he shutted down the tv and got his car keys.

"Oh damn, okay lets go. But wait, i'll lock the home. I want Bella to be safe." i said.

We locked the home and got in the car.

"I hope i make it the best day of your life Bella." i said looking towards Bella's room window.

William tapped my shoulder with a smile and we both drove away.  


Author's notes:

How cute was that? :') Well so hey hey my phone got lost and i had to wait until i got it back and write this chapter. So what do you think of this new character William? :)

Oh yeah so the IMPORTANT NOTE: 

So i got one of the comment asking from whose perspective the story is. I just wanna clear out that the whole story is from BELLA HORAN'S POV. Just at some places there will be Edward's or some other character's pov and i'll mention that. Otherwise the whole story is from Bella's pov as the title suggests, "When my price got fixed." so obvs Bella's price got fixed so the story is from her pov. Just clearing it out. :)

And omg omg omg this chapter had Edward's pov for the first time. :') well i hope you guys liked this chapter and sorry for the cliffghanger for the whole week. ;) thank you for all the reads/fans/votes. And all your lovely comments just make my day. :) much love.

William Watson's photo attached to the side.



FAN. :)

-Bella&Liz. x

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