3. Am i catching feelings?

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"When my price got fixed."

Chapter 3:

"Unless and until you won't allow me to touch you, i won't touch you my Bella." he said smiling at the ground.

I actually felt like hugging Edward right now. He is just so adorable.

But Bella he is not trustworthy, he bought you, a voice back in my head said.

He left you stranded in the middle of nowhere.
He traumatised you. What is wrong with you Bella?
Why do you always get attached to emotionally unavailable men? Why are you so vulnerable?

"I trust him." i muttered my out thoughts too loud.

And this just proves why i am such a difficult personality. Why do I trust men who are nothing but bad news?

Edward looked at me with confusion written all over his face.

"What?" i asked.
Is he dumb? Or did he just not hear what i said?

"Mhmm nothing." he chuckled.

Every time he chuckles, i want to break his teeth but then again he's so gorgeous that i cannot bring myself to do something like this. Also, he's like really strong so he'll take me down easily.

"Thank- thankyou Edward." i said with a bright smile.

Smiles work always, don't they?

"umm why?" he was smiling.

"You know for saving me from-" i paused recalling the horrible past scenario i faced.

I know i am trying to get over whatever happened with me at the moment but once my head hits the pillow and i am alone with my thoughts, the anxiety would kick in and i would be a mess.

"I understand Bella." I could see the pity in his expressions.

Is he feeling bad for leaving me alone? He has emotions at the end of the day.
I am not dealing with a robot.

"Are you ummm okay?"

"Yeah probably." the smile on my face faded.

I am not okay. I am not okay.
I am just trying to be okay.
I cannot be vulnerable in-front of him.
Pretend you're okay Bella.

"Bella I'm sorry." he looked at me in the eyes.

Why is he saying sorry now?
It was not his fault.
I mean he was partly at fault cause which sane man leaves a woman stranded in the middle of nowhere.
But, I don't want his pity.

"It was not your fault, it was mine. I should have not fought with you." i couldn't face him.

Okay, maybe it was a wrong choice to fight with him that way.
Maybe, just maybe if i would have not fought with him, he would've dropped me back home and this would've all been over.
I am still hoping that this is a nightmare and not reality.
So delusional, Bella.

"I'll make sure Kevin pays the price of touching my Bella." I could sense the anger in his words.

Looking at my blank expressions, Edward might have felt some sort of pity or anger maybe? I cannot make out what this man feels about situations anymore.
He broke the silence.
"Lets get you home my girl, I'm sure you're pretty tired."

I nodded.
I don't want to make him angry anymore.
I don't want to fight anymore.
I have to accept the reality.
I am so exhausted, mentally and physically.
I cannot process anymore thoughts.

With the thoughts in my head coming to a pause, i drifted off to sleep.....

I opened my eyes, bright light pierced through my pupils and made me shut my eyes.

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