4. Reality ruined my life.

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"When my price got fixed"

Chapter 4:

No! This can't be happening, i don't like him. Am i catching feelings for him?

I got a big smile plastered on my face.

Well Bella, you are maybe falling for him. The way he smiles, the way he looks at me, his charming personality.

Do you love her Bella?

"Edward i lov-" i was dragged out of my thoughts when i heard something crashing.

I quickly ran towards the door and opened it. There was a narrow dark corridoor with dim lights at a distance. I saw Edward who was looking pretty angry. I walked to him. His eyes were red with anger & he broke the glass of water, it was shattered & scattered all over the ground.

"Ed-Edward?" i murmured.

"I'm fucking tired!" he screamed and threw his hands up in the air. I took a step back in horror.

He stepped closer and pinned me to the wall. I looked into his eyes, his eyes bore into mine. We kept looking at eachother when i saw a little tear stream down his face. I wiped it. He looked down. I was unable to believe it! A man crying infront of me. I lifted his face, he still pinned me to the wall, our chest's touching.

"What happened Edward?" i asked. I was worried.

"Nothing." he shook his head.

"Tell me Edward. Whats the reason for your tears?" i asked. After a long pause, he finally spoke.

"YOU." he said looking in my eyes. I paused, i was shocked, a man crying for me. I looked at him. He understood that i need further explanation and he spoke.

"So there's this guy named Daniel Andrew, he has been on the top list of my enemies. I killed his mate a few years ago. She was trying to harm me, so i killed her. When Daniel came to know about it, he tried to harm me many times but he couldn't because of my powers. Now that he saw you with me, he will try harming you. And i can't see if anyone harms you." he said and looked down.

I smiled and said, "Edward, nothing's gonna happen. I'll be safe."

He did not respond me, turned around and started walking away.

I looked down and saw the pieces of glass scattered all over. I bent down and started picking those pieces up. Suddenly i got a cut in my hand whilst picking those pieces and blood oozed out of my hand. I screeched. Edward came running to me in no time. He held my hand, his eyes were a dark wild black.

"I'm sorry Bella." he murmured.

"For what?" i asked.

He did not respond me, but took my hand and started sucking the blood from my hand. I was immensely pleasured. But then i was suddenly dragged into reality as i realized that he was sucking 'My Blood.' i pulled my hand. He looked at me.

"Get away from me." i screamed.

"Shutup." he shot back. He picked me up and placed me over his shoulders.

"What are you doing?" i protested.

"You gotta meet someone." he chirped.

"Who?" i asked.

"My dick. Dumbass." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

He placed me down smoothly on the floor. I was blinded by how beautiful his house was. I looked at him.

"Its beautiful!" i exclaimed.

He smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you my love." he winked.

One thing i loved about Edward was the way he makes me feel special for no reason. Im falling for him, really.

"Whatever." i rolled my eyes. "Hey where's your family Edward?"

"Not with me." he said.

"My father died a few years ago and my mother died the same year. I've got no brothers or sisters so im alone." he continued. "After my dad, i've to carry his name and look after many people."

He paused. "Leave all that Bella. Are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "No!"

"Okay. Don't come to me later saying you're hungry." he said.

"I won't." i said with a smile.

"Your room's upstairs to the left." he said and left.


"Do you love me as much as i love you?" Edward asked with a smirk.

I nodded. "Yes. I love you."

He pushed me on the bed.

"I love you." he whispered in my ears.

He pressed his lips to mine. The kiss grew deeper and wilder. He moved his hands underneath my shirt. I moaned. Our lips parted and he started unbuttoning my shirt. He looked into my eyes. I nodded.

He removed my shirt and started kissing my neck. He kissed my sweet spot, earning a moan from me.

He moved his hands to unclip my bra and unclipped it quickly. He massaged my breasts and his hands trailed down to my denim button.

Before opening, he looked at me and i nodded assuringly.

He opened my denim button and removed my denim. I closed my eyes and gave myself completely to Edward.

He was standing at my entrance.

"Tell me if it hurts." he said.


He entered into me and sharp pain and pleasure took over me. He started moving faster and faster. We both moaned at the same time.

"Edward i lovveee-ouch!" i opened my eyes. I had hit my head on the side table.

"Fuck, it was a dream?" i whispered to myself.

What has this guy done to me? Why is he making me go this crazy for him?

"Bella, you just had your first wet dream." i whispered to myself.


Author's notes:

Okay, got your hopes up? Aha. It was just a dream. ;) well i like the way this story is unfolding. Daniel is a big threat to Edward, just saying. :D i hope you guys enjoyed this little dirty chapter. lol. ;) thanks for all the reads.

And Oh my God! Merry Christmas people! Have a blessed new year. :D



FAN. :)

-Bella&Liz. x

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