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"Go faster!"
Aria begged her husband to go faster and escape the Shadow vehicles.
Usually, when under attack, it was Ghost protocol to disobey traffic rules and go outside the roads. However, in this case, if they went left, they'd smash into the cliff face. And if they went right, they'd plummet into the ocean below.
Ironic. Ocean was Aria's daughter's name.
John, Aria's husband, grimaced as he pushed his foot as hard as he could on the pedal and as he carefully wove around the awkwardly shaped cliff roads.
Why were the Shadow vehicles chasing them? Well, Aria and John had been undercover as Shadow henchmen for the past month and yesterday, Aria had found classified information in this thing called a 'Zero Point'. As henchmen for Ghost, Aria and John had heard about the Zero Point many times, and they knew that getting information on it would be infinitely useful.
"Surrender now, or die!" a Shadow henchman called from one of the Choppas.
"Never!" Aria called out the window of the car.
She knew that doing that sort of thing was cringe, but this was Shadow. Aria didn't care what they thought.
Aria pulled out her phone and dialed Ocean's number.

Ocean loved the Summer holidays. It was calm, and no one made her do anything. She wished that she could spend that time with her parents, but she understood that their work was very time consuming. They had made that clear when they started as henchmen when she was 8.
So, because of this, Ocean was overjoyed when she saw her mother was calling her.
"Hey, mum! How are-"
"Ocean, honey, I need to say something."
Ocean's expression darkened, and she sat down on the sun lounge next to her.
"No matter what happens, me and your father will always love you."
"What? Why are you saying this?"
"Me and your father have found information so secret, we can't even tell you. Shadow knows we have it, and we are currently making an escape, but there is a Ghost protocol that says if we have information, and we are unlikely to escape, then we destroy the information. These files are full of years worth of hard research, and it may take ages to regain this sort of info."
"Don't kill yourselves!"
"We won't if we don't have to."
There was a pause where Ocean heard car motors and helicopter blades churning quickly. She screamed when she heard gunfire on her mum's end.

John swerved away from the turret gunfire and scratched the car's paint on the cliff face. Usually, he would freak out when that happened and start shouting profanities, but honestly his life was worth more than his car. Or was it...?
Meanwhile, Aria dropped her phone to a place she couldn't reach it. She could hear Ocean screaming for her out of it, but there was nothing she could do.
"Honey, should we execute Protocol 116?" Aria sobbed.
"That's the one where we destroy all evidence, right?" John said, his eyes fixed on the road.
"That's the one."
John took his eyes off the road for one second to look at his wife. Then, with a brave face and a nod, he jerked the wheel to the right, slamming the car through the barrier and sent it flailing into the ocean.
As they fell, everything went silent. Even the wind itself seemed to freeze as they plummeted. Then, sound came rushing back as they splashed into the ocean.
Both Aria and John instantly smacked their heads and died. But all Ocean heard was static.
"Hello? Mum? Dad? Can you hear me? Hello-o? Please say something!"

"What do you mean you need to go to The Agency?" a Ghost henchman asked.
"I was given an email. My parents were killed on a mission, and it said to go there," Ocean said bluntly.
She was not in the mood for games. The email said to see Midas at The Agency, and that was exactly what she was going to do.
The henchman, apparently called Jeff, was wearing a Stormtrooper-like helmet, with a white blazer and matching shirt, and a black tie and unfitting white shorts. Ocean tried not to focus on Jeff's hairy legs and remained eye contact. Or rather helmet contact.
"Well, miss, The Agency was destroyed. About a month ago. And about Midas... he's at his mansion in the UK, as with many of the other agents. I suppose you could see Jules at The Fortilla, but-"
"I'll do that."
Jeff paused, taken aback. He put a hand to his ear and pressed a button.
"Charlie? You there? I got a lady here who wants to see Jules at The Fortilla. You got that Choppa ready? Over," Jeff stated. While saying this, he didn't take his eyes off of Ocean.
There was a pause, where Charlie must have said something.
"OK, lady, head through those double doors, go up the stairs, make a right, go out the door and a Choppa should be waiting."

Ocean couldn't help but gasp when she saw the flooded island as Charlie flew her over it. The ocean had engulfed buildings and trees; just a quarter of the island with some mountains along with some towns and a gas station were above the water.
You see that over there? That's where we're headed," Charlie said into his headset.
Then, Ocean could see it too. Next to the remains of what looked like an oil rig, was a scrap building nestled comfortably on a pile of trash. To her, it looked like a DIY project by someone who thought they were good at DIY, but really they weren't. But maybe they were.
A helicopter pad had been crudely added into one of the towers, and the Choppa or whatever landed there.
From there, two henchmen, named Martha and Jack took her into a room with a vault, then left her.
Two security cameras above the vault trained their lenses on Ocean, and Ocean stared right back. She waved at the cameras, thinking there might be someone watching her.
And actually, there was. But not in the way she expected.
A woman cleared her voice behind Ocean, and she whirled around to see a lady not much older than her, wearing a white crop top and covered in tattoos.
In one hand, she held a wrench. In the other, a robotic owl that made a metallic hoot.
"Hi. I'm Jules. You must be here about your parents."


Word Count: 1095 Words

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