Chapter 7: Five Agents and a Zero Point

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Unlike in their last argument, TnTina forgave Skye almost immediately. The idea of knowing something as secret as the Zero Point really intrigued and excited TnTina. And she was even more excited when she found out that Ocean knew too.
Well, Ocean didn't know that much. She knew about Oro and the Zero Point's existence, but she didn't know what it meant. And so, an explanation was in order. (But I'm not writing that explanation here since it's basically the whole of Fortnite: Quest Buddies lol)
"So, do you understand now?" Skye asked Ocean.
Ocean nodded.
"Zero Point... The Agency... Dreams... Oro... The Device... Komora. I think I've got the gist, yeah," she shrugged.
Skye sat on her bed and then lay down.
"Have you told Ollie yet?" TnTina asked Skye.
"No. I haven't, but I will," Skye nervously giggled.
Ocean and TnTina sighed loudly.
"I guess I can't say I'm surprised," TnTina laughed, and Ocean giggled.
"I can't say I'm surprised either," Skye agreed, and they all laughed.
Skye's laugh turned to a scream when she realised that Joe was spying on them through the window. When he said hi, TnTina and Ocean screamed too.
"How've you been?" he asked casually.
"H-How long have you been standing there?!" Skye asked worriedly.
"Long enough to hear that you're keeping secrets from Ollie! Go on, tell me!" Joe begged.
"We can't. It's top secret. Sorry," Skye shook her head.
"It's a giant orb called the Zero Point!" Ocean blurted.
"It can create giant portals that can lead to all over the place," TnTina continued.
"Apparently it's under The Authority, and that's why Chaos Agent wanted the spot."
To Skye's dismay, they continued to explain the Zero Point and what it did, but it was all in bits and pieces since neither TnTina or Ocean understood it the way Skye did.
After they had finished, Joe looked even more confused than when they had started. He let himself in through the window and sat down next to Skye on her bed. Without his trousers.
"Where have they gotten to now?" Skye rolled her eyes.
"Sharks, again. Isn't there shark repellant or something? I'd happily invest my life savings on it. Otherwise, they'd get burned on buying trousers. I bought ten pairs at the start of the Summer, and they've dwindled to three. Explain that to me!" Joe grumbled.
There was a moment of awkward silence while Joe caught his breath after his rant.
"So, about this Zero Point thing, it's just you three who know?" Joe asked.
"And Chaos Agent, but that's it, yeah," Skye nodded.
"You haven't told Midas?"
"He'll end up working it out himself anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if he already knew."
"What about Ollie, though?"
"Ollie is like a father to me. If you broke the law, would you tell your father?"
"Well, no."
There was a moment of silence.
"How come you told me?" Joe asked eventually.
"Because I trust you, and I trust you not to blab," Skye answered.
"Thanks, I guess. How did you two find out, by the way?"
Ocean and TnTina exchanged looks, knowing he meant them.
"Well, Skye told me after I saw a Shadow file at The Authority," TnTina shrugged.
"What about you, Ocean?"
"I read it in a book," she replied.
Joe looked outraged.
"In a book?!" he shouted.
"Shush!" Skye and TnTina shushed him, then Skye continued, saying, "It was a book about mythology. I guess the guy who wrote it saw the Zero Point and thought he was dreaming or something."
"Fair enough. Out of interest, though, who gave you that book?"
"Some lady at the library," Ocean said.
"What did she look like?"
"She was black, with a large afro and quite big yellow glasses. She was also wearing a suit that looked like it was trying to be casual and smart at the same time. The thing I remember most about her though was her pink sweater that was on her arms. I couldn't tell what was arm and what was sweater, so it kinda looked like the lady's flesh was falling off of her arm. It was wierd."
"What was her name?"
"Why are you asking me this?"
"Can't argue with that. Well, she didn't tell me directly, but I saw a name tag in her pocket that read 'Doctor Slone'."
"Doctor Slone? Like Doctor Who?" TnTina laughed.
"I sure hope that I wasn't reading psychic paper," Ocean shook her head.
"Well, do you know what I reckon? I reckon that this Slone lady knows more than she is letting on," Ollie said.
Wait, Ollie?
They all screamed again as Ollie materialized from under Skye's bed.
"Do you know what else I reckon? I reckon that someone has been lying to me!" Ollie scolded Skye.
Everyone looked at Skye, and she tried not to make eye contact with anyone. She saw Ollie put his hands on his hips.
"I heard what you were saying about me," he said.
"I-I'm sorry. I just... well... you heard," Skye explained.
"No. Don't apologize. You're right, I have been acting like an obsessed parent. And although I am your guardian, I am also your friend. And friends keep secrets, so let's say that the five of us keep this secret between ourselves?" Ollie shrugged.
Skye and the others beamed.
"Woah! Ollie, thanks! For a moment there I thought you were going to tell me that you had set up my execution or something," Skye giggled.
"Who is this Doctor Slone character, though?" Ollie asked Ocean.
"I don't know, but she looked like she had stepped out of Back To The Future," Ocean said.
"Maybe there's something in Ghost's files?" TnTina suggested.
"Good idea!" Joe agreed.
"Well, I say we best get going," Ollie said for them all.
The others all agreed, and then they headed to where the computers with access to the files were. They walked as casual as possible to the room, and when they went inside, all of the computers were on and waiting for someone to sign in.
"Bingo," Skye whispered to Ollie.

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