Chapter 9: Aquaman?!

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Note: If you're wondering what happened to a Scream of Pain (Part 2), then that won't be until later. Enjoy ;)

The flood had dropped quite a bit, and nothing interesting had happened.
Well, most of the locations, other than Slurpy Swamp, had been drained of water. Where all this water was going, by the way, Skye had not yet figured out. Was there just some big plughole somewhere around the edge of the map sucking all of the water into another dimension?
If the plughole were to be on the map, though, then they knew where it would be.
Towards the North-West of the map, ironically underneath The Shark, a large body of water still remained a darker blue, suggesting that it was deeper than the rest of the Island's rivers and lakes.
And not just deeper, deeper than before the flood; before Midas' master plan went into action. Moreover, they could see buildings unlike anything currently on the Island underneath the surface.
So, Midas had sent his best agents to investigate. Oh, and he had sent Skye too.
When Midas had said that joke, the others all laughed and Brutus patted Skye on the head, resulting in two distinct "Ow!"s from Ollie, who was currently sat as a beanie on Skye's head.
"Sorry, Ollie," Brutus apologized.
"It's all right. I think I'm internally bleeding, though," Ollie whimpered.
"Ollie, you're a hat. You can't be internally bleeding, since you don't have any insides. Unless you count Skye's brain, but I doubt that's damaged," TnTina laughed.
"I sure hope it's not damaged," Skye shuddered.
"Midas, sir? Thank you very much for letting me go on this mission. I won't let you down," Ocean nodded.
"I'm counting on it. And, wow... I've never been called sir before. I should make you all call me sir," Midas joked.
"I'll call you sir, sir," Meowscles agreed.
"Of course you will. Anyways, I have henchmen waiting at the site who are trained with scuba gear. They'll get you fitted up, then head on in. And watch out for sharks and Fishsticks. Especially the Fishsticks; those things are aggressive," Midas explained.
"I had a friend who had an arm stolen once by Fishsticks. He says they used it as a deity," Maya added.
As they all exchanged looks, Skye tried not to imagine Fishsticks using an arm as a deity.
"Let's not overthink this. Just go," Midas sighed.
"Yes, sir," Skye, Brutus, TnTina, Ollie, Ocean, Maya and Meowscles chorused.
"The sir thing was a joke. It is flattering, though."

Since there was so many of them, they decided to take two boats, with Maya, Meowscles and Ocean in one and Skye, Ollie, TnTina and Brutus in the other.
Ollie stepped on the boost and Skye was thrown back with the force.
"Ugh, that boost is terrifying," she sighed.
"On the windy rivers, too," Brutus added.
They passed the opening where one of the mini Spires would be in three seasons (not that they knew that), and docked their boats next to where the fabled henchmen were signalling.
And, as it turned out, Skye knew who one of the henchmen was. She knew as soon as she saw that the henchman had no trousers on.
"Joe? Is that you?" Skye called.
"Skye! We've been meeting everywhere recently," Joe laughed.
"What happened to your trousers this time?"
"Those Fishsticks! They're savage."
"Yah. It was, like, totally scary, dude," the other henchman said.
"Oh yeah. This is David. I think he's stepped out of Teen Beach or something, but I promise he knows his stuff."
David tried to scratch his chin through his mask, then realised that he couldn't, but did it anyway.
"We're gonna die," TnTina muttered just loud enough for Skye, Ollie and Brutus to hear.
"Right then, dudes. Who's gonna be my volunteer?" David asked them.
Was it just her, or did David sound drunk?
"I'll do it," Ocean said. She had her hand stuck right up and she looked like she really didn't want to do it.
There was really no way around it.
"If she's doing it, I'll do it too," Skye nodded.
"All right, mate. Come over here, then. I got yer stuff," David nodded.
Skye and Ocean reluctantly headed towards David and Joe. Joe did a thumbs-up at them, and they both smiled at him nervously.
But, as Joe said, David did know his stuff, and he took the safety very, very seriously. So seriously, in fact, that he said if any of them screwed up then he would make sure that they would never scuba dive ever again.
"Is he allowed to do that?" Skye asked Joe, because she really wasn't sure.
"Not to you. He always says that, but technically he only has power to do that to henchmen," Joe shrugged.
"Thank God," Ocean laughed nervously.
Now that they were all fitted up, they headed to the edge of the large lake. The water was warm.
"Why is it warm?" Skye whispered to Ocean.
Ocean just shrugged and dived in.
"REMEMBER TECHNIQUE!" David shouted as Skye followed Ocean.
Skye and Ocean could see the outlines of buildings in the distance, so that was where they headed.
There were about six or seven in total. Some were smaller, and some were bigger. One huge building was at the centre, and you could clearly see the golden roofs, the overgrown stone bricks and the blue tile floors.
"Skye... I think we've found the Lost City of Atlantis," Ocean whimpered.
"I think you may be right," Skye replied.
"Coral Castle," a man said.
A man? Maybe David had decided to join them.
Skye turned to David to see that it wasn't him at all. The man was wearing an orange shirt and green trousers, both with a fish scale pattern. Skye also thought the man looked suspiciously like Jason Momoa.
"A-Aquaman?!" Skye gasped.
"Oh my God! Are you the real deal?" Ocean added.
"I think so," Aquaman shrugged.
"How are you even here?" Skye asked him.
"Well, if I didn't know better, I would say that some displacement in time and space brought me here, as well as Coral Castle down there."
"Coral Castle?" Ocean wondered.
"That place. It isn't from this time, and somehow it's here, South of that shark-shaped structure."
Skye and Ocean exchanged looks. If a time-space displacement had happened, then surely it was to do with Midas' master plan. Hadn't Chaos Agent told her that the Zero Point was underneath The Agency? It had to be linked, at least. Skye could tell Ocean was connecting the dots herself.
"You have to come with us. There's someone we want you to meet," Skye told Aquaman, then beckoned him to the surface.

"I can't believe the Aquaman is in the boat next to us!" TnTina giggled.
"I know. First Deadpool, now Aquaman surely it's connected?" Ollie added.
"Me and Ocean thought that it had something to do with Midas' master plan," Skye wondered.
"That would make sense. We should ask Midas just in case. He'll tell us what to do," Brutus suggested.
They had arrived and were docking their boats when Skye wondered if they should have brought Joe and David with them. She figured in the end that they had their own boat and were just packing away before leaving.
It was Maya who spotted Midas over with Jules next to the water.
"Midas!" she called, and he whispered something to Jules before heading over.
"You won't believe who we found!" TnTina grinned.
Midas and Jules were shocked when they saw Aquaman step out of one of the boats.
"H-How? Why is he...?" Jules trailed off.
"Well, Aquaman. We are certainly not strangers to having superheroes on the Island. I'll have some henchmen make a room for you now," Midas greeted him.
He signalled over some henchmen and briefed them on what to do, and they left hurriedly, chatting amongst themselves excitedly.
"There we go. My henchmen work quickly, so they'll be done before the end of the day. Until then, be free to hang around in the restaurant or a leisure area."
Almost like fate, Deadpool appeared at Skye's side.
"Hey, Skye. Who's this?" he asked her.
"Hi, Deadpool! This is Aquaman. He's a superhero, just like you. He thinks he came here through a time-space displacement," Skye explained.
"Ah, OK. Hi, I'm Deadpool," he said to Aquaman.
"Hi. I'm sure you know who I am," Aquaman nodded.
"Yeah, I was told."
"Well, then. I'll see you around, Deadpool."
"See ya."
Aquaman walked off to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat while the others watched.
"Where did he come from?" Deadpool asked Skye.
"Coral Castle, apparently," she answered.
"No. You said he came from a time-space displacement. Where was he from before?"
"Well, he's Aquaman, so Atlantis?"
"Fair enough."
"Why do you ask?"
Deadpool looked at Skye, and she could tell that he was looking at her seriously underneath his mask.
"Because that's how I got here. A time-space displacement. I was from Canada before and I don't know how to get home."
The others all exchanged looks.
"And you never told us?!" Skye grumbled.
"I didn't think you were interested."
"Ghost is a secret agency! We need all the Intel we can get!" TnTina replied.
"We don't have time for this! I'm looking up Coral Castle on the internet. Coming with?" Ocean said.
Skye, Deadpool and TnTina agreed, but all the others were busy. But it didn't matter. It was time to find out what was going on, and exactly why it was happening.


Word Count: 1615 Words

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