Chapter 18: It Came From The Rift

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Siona furiously tapped every single button possible in her spaceship, hoping that one of them would do something. Her brother, Dio, was screaming madly in the background, but she didn't try to stop him. That was how she was feeling too.
"Dio, I think we're going to have to crash land!" Siona shouted over all of the sirens and warnings, and the AI's voice blaring over the intercoms.
"You WHAT?!" Dio screamed black.
Siona brushed a loose strand of green hair away from her face. She'd have to retie her buns in a minute.
"The computer says we're landing on a planet called Earth, in this place called the Island!"
"I don't know where that is, do I?!"
"No, me neither, but it's our only hope at survival!"
"Prepare for crash landing in 3... 2... 1!"

Skye and Hush both whirled around at the sound of a massive explosion and were shocked when they saw that a massive rift had appeared in the sky.
"Woah!" Skye gasped.
Then, suddenly, four more people climbed over the hill and gathered around Hush. One of them was wearing a faded black, woolen mask and a matching black suit, and another was wearing a white suit and a mask with a golden diamond on it. The third one was wearing a robot suit that looked like a wolf that was flaming at the head, and the forth, a woman, had bright blue hair and matching clothes of that same blue and a vivid pink.
"What the hell is that?!" The man with the wool mask asked Hush.
The wolf man noticed Skye, and physically jumped.
"And who is she?!" The wolf man cried.
"Hai, my name is Skye, and I don't know why the crack is there, but I know what it is. Who are you four?" Skye asked them.
"This is Lone Shadow, Wild Card, Marcus and Sierra," Hush pointed at them. They each waved in retrospect to their name being called, so Skye knew who was who.
"Quick, come in so I can explain!" Skye shouted, then ran inside Catty Corner with them behind.
Inside Catty Corner, it was chaos. Henchmen had dropped what they were doing, and were running wild after the rift appeared. That was when Ollie woke up.
"Wah!" Ollie cried when he noticed the chaos.
"Oh yeah, this is Ollie. He's not just a hat!" Skye explained to the bewildered newcomers.
"...OK," Hush responded, still confused.
They all ran up to the top container that was going to be a meeting room and found Midas and Jules there.
"What's happening?!" Skye shouted to Midas.
"We don't know!" Midas shouted back.
"Who are you?" Jules asked, looking at the five newcomers.
"I'm Hush. I was in the dream, remember? And these are Lone Shadow, Wild Card, Marcus and Sierra," Hush explained.
Jules grabbed Midas' shirt forcefully.
"Midas, they're the people in Chaos Agent's diary!" Jules whiskered, although they could still hear her.
"Chaos Agent?" Wild Card gasped.
"Where is he?" Hush asked Jules.
"Oh, uhh, you see that huge black building in the centre of the Island?" Jules replied.
"That's The Authority, and that's were he'll be. He may not be there now, but he'll come back eventually. You see, in our time, Chaos Agent owns a huge spy corporation known as Shadow. We're Ghost, and their main enemy. We make sure he remembers his place!"
"Thanks for that. We'll be off then. We can't waste any time!"
Hush and her companions made to leave, but Jules stopped them.
"Before you go... I think you're cool!" Jules shouted after them.
Hush exchanged looks with the person who was closest, which happened to be Sierra.
"Thanks, I guess," Hush shrugged.
Then, she and her friends were gone.
"So, that was the thing in Chaos Agent's diary that you didn't let me see because it would 'blow my mind'?" Skye folded her arms.
"Yes. It's important that you don't go telling other people about this, Skye," Midas instructed Skye.
"Sure, OK," Skye nodded. The truth was, she couldn't make any promises, but she didn't want Midas to be upset.
"Good, and I'm serious," Midas smiled.
"And now, what was that giant rift?" Ollie yawned.
Midas and Jules exchanged looks.
"Let's find out, shall we?" Midas shrugged.

Siona and Dio kicked the door off of the spaceship and collapsed onto the... sand? It appeared that they were on a beachy planet.
"We survived!" Dio laughed maniacally.
"It appears we did. But... our ship didn't," Siona sighed.
They both turned to the spaceship, which had sparked flying out of it and had small fires in some places.
"Oh no. How are we going to get home?" Dio gasped, to which Siona had no idea.
"There's a town over there. Maybe we can get some answers?" Siona wondered.
In the distance, Dio and Siona could see a huge building with a logo of a fish person and the word "Sticks."
"Fish people?" Dio said.
"Well, it's been a while since we've seen people," Siona shrugged.
"Let's see a bit about this place!"
You see, on the planet Pluxaria, where Siona and Dio were from, new tech was arising in their culture. Dance tech. Tech that was powered using good vibes.
Simona began to perform a new dance she had been working on called Planetary Vibe, which caused the Milky Way, the solar system they were in to appear. Dio tapped on Earth and found their location soon enough.
"Apparently, that place over there is called Craggy Cliffs. And there are only humans here... actually, it's not clear. It appears to be a mixed bag, like on Pluxaria. Especially here on The Island. Heh, very creative," Dio explained with a laugh.
"Maybe someone there will explain this place to us."
Even though they didn't want to leave their spaceship, they had no choice. They swam through the ocean to Craggy Cliffs, where they went past a few garages to that Sticks restaurant.
And that was when they came along a group of four very odd looking people.

Skye, Ollie, Jules and Midas had decided to go to Sticks to get fish and chips while they thought about how to tackle what had come out of the rift, because something unidentifiable had.
But then they had been stopped by a man and a woman. They both had bright green hair, and wore white and orange spacesuits. Their skins were practically the same tone... Maybe they were related somehow?
"Hello, people of Earth! We just crash landed above this place, and there may have been a big explosion, but I promise we mean no harm!" The woman explained.
"Wait, are you aliens?" Skye asked them.
"Oh, good. You speak English," the man sighed.
"Yes. From the planet Pluxaria. My name is Siona and his name is Dio. We are brother and sister," the woman, apparently called Siona, nodded.
"Pluxaria... that rings a bell," Midas muttered. Jules turned to him, obviously concerned.
"You may have heard of the Kymera. They are an evil warrior race who seek to destroy everything and take everything for themselves. There are also the Pluxarians, native to our planet. They can wear the skin of a dead humanoid organism on the outside of themselves, as a camouflage technique. Like my friend Joey. She's some army dude at the moment."
"Sounds dangerous," Ollie shuddered.
"I know, but it's worth it to hear the trees sing at the end of the day. People on our planet say that if they grew on other planets, they would moan instead."
"And that sounds awesome! We have to go sometime!" Skye suggested.
"How? We don't have space travel yet," Midas sighed.
"Actually, we were looking for your help about our spaceship. It's on the beach, just north of here. Can any of you fix it?" Dio asked them.
"Maybe I can," Jules wondered, "Do you have all the parts?"
"Not exactly. We have the Battery Pack, since it was right there next to us, but we couldn't see the Heat Shield and the Thruster is kinda in the cliff," Siona explained.
"I can help with that! Maybe Ohm can, too?" Ollie nodded.
Jules gasped inside like she had been strangled and managed to escape. A look of horror spread slowly across her face.
"What?" Skye asked Jules.
"Ohm... He's still in The Authority!"

Omega was very pleased. Chaos Agent had entrusted to him that he look over Jules' workshop one more time to see if there were any more clues. Nobody ever trusted him with things like this!
He pulled drawers open and looked inside, until eventually Omega found a metal box with a button on top. He was well aware that it might be a trap, but his curiosity got the better of him and he tapped the button anyway.
Then, all of a sudden, a robotic owl sat on Omega's and where the box had been. The owl hooted happily, not realizing the danger, while Omega looked on in wonder.
"I've got to show Chaos Agent this!" he muttered to himself excitedly, then took the owl back upstairs to Chaos Agent's office.


Word Count: 1535 Words

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