Chapter 12: The Nature Of Dreams

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Skye flopped onto her bed in The Fortilla (again again) and sighed. Ollie had turned into a bean bag on the floor and was sleeping happily, but Skye had just finished her nightly routine, and was only now going to sleep.
"Goodnight, Ollie," she said, although she knew that he wouldn't hear her.
Being who she was, Skye was no stranger to odd dreams. But little did she know, tonight's dream was going to be more than a dream. And more than just her dream, too.

When Skye woke up, she was in a dark room. She was left there for a moment, in the silent blackness, but then a light flickered on in the middle of the room, illuminating a white table with five chairs.
Skye stood up so she could get a better look at the table's contents.
A tea party?
There were five cups of tea and a teapot, each made out of white clay with pink painted patterns. There was a bowl of sugar cubes next to the teapot for anyone who wanted to sweeten their cup.
Skye walked into the light and sat in one of the seats. She took a sip of her tea while she waited for something to happen.
Tastes like dirt.
Skye had never really been a fan of tea, so she put three sugar cubes in it to drown out the leafy taste. When that didn't work, she put the tea down and decided not to touch it again.
Then, she felt two empty eyes sockets fixed on her.
Skye looked over at where she had felt the person's presence and saw Oro looking at her.
"What are you doing here?" Oro asked Skye.
"It's my dream. Something would be seriously wrong if I wasn't here," Skye replied.
Oro regarded Skye with curiosity.
"But this is my dream," Oro said.
"No! Don't make me think I'm crazy. You don't have a brain; you're incapable of dreaming!" Skye whimpered.
"I'm afraid, Miss Nimbus, that our friend Oro here is right. But so are you. And so am I when I say this is my dream too," another man said.
The other man wandered into the light and Skye and Oro immediately recognised him ad Chaos Agent.
"What... are you suggesting?" Skye gulped.
"Skye, he's saying that we're having a dream," Ollie answered.
Ollie appeared out of the darkness and sat at the table. Skye looked around at the others, then at the empty seat.
"Wait, there are five seats, so where's the fifth person?" Skye wondered.
A woman that Skye didn't recognise took the final seat. She had shoulder-length grey hair and pale skin. Her clothes were all black or dark grey, as well as her mask, which she wore under her blood red eyes.
There was a pause while everyone examined the woman.
"Hai, my name is Skye!" Skye broke the silence.
"Well, hello, Skye. I think it'd be best if I told you that someone here isn't actually dreaming, it's the dream watching us."
There was a pause.
"Well she's obviously the dream, then. She's dead, and there's no way she'd know about that without us knowing too," Chaos Agent said. Was it just Skye, or did he sound scared?
"How do you know she's dead?" Oro interrogated Chaos Agent.
"I killed her myself."
Skye and Ollie exchanged looks.
"Look at me! I'm dead, and I'm right here," Oro huffed.
Oro took a sip of tea and laughed as there was a sound of it dripping onto the floor.
"That's just the thing with tea. It goes straight through me," Oro laughed.
Skye and Ollie laughed with him despite themselves.
"Come on. It's obviously Oro. He's no joker," Skye giggled.
"That is true," Chaos Agent agreed.
"I am sus of you, Skye. You'd never laugh at a joke Oro made," Ollie wondered.
It was all so frustrating! It could have been any of them. Well, other than Skye. It was her dream, after all. Something was wrong, but she couldn't put her finger on it.
"So I guess the idea is that we all work out who the dream is," Chaos Agent nodded.
"And who is she again?" Skye indicated the other girl.
"You're not allowed to know that. The fact that you're even looking at her is an infringement on my privacy," Chaos Agent explained.
"My name's Hush," the girl said.
Chaos Agent was very annoyed; it was clear that Hush played on her own rules.
Then, there was an almighty rumble. Several doors opened, and while they were all looking away, the tea party vanished into thin air, as was the nature of dreams.
"What is that?!" Ollie shouted, pointing at the middle of the dark room.
Some kind of shadow demon stood in the middle of the room, examining each of them individually.
"Run! Now!" Skye shouted, and they all ran through one of the doors into a space that looked similar to The Shark before the flood, but not exactly the same.
Skye dived into a cell and hid under the bed. Oro shuffled in beside her and looked out of the open door for anything that might follow them.
"Well, now I know you're fake," Skye sighed.
"Less chances of finding us if there's less places to be found," Oro explained.
"Where's Ollie?"
"Gone somewhere else. Dunno where, probably a cell."
Skye frowned and looked at the door with Oro. That wasn't like Ollie. He usually stayed with Skye.
Then Skye remembered when they were all at Coral Castle. Then, Ollie had hidden somewhere else, but that's because... Wait! He wanted to set up something between her and Joe! Skye thought of Joe now and wished he was here. He would've been a good anchor in all of this madness.
"Shush, someone's coming!" Oro hissed.
Skye squeezed her eyes shut as she heard someone's shoes clacking as they came in the room. She dared looking for just a second, and she was glad she did.
There were three people looking at her and Oro under the bed. One was Midas, who was looking at them accusingly and another was Jules, who stared at Skye inquisitively. Skye recognised the third as India Oscar, the IO agent that she saw in Coral Castle just days ago.
"Hey, you're one of the agents I saw at Coral Castle!" India gasped.
India didn't just look like Clara from Doctor Who, she sounded like her too. It was uncanny.
"Yup, that's me. Always getting into trouble," Skye jumped up from under the bed.
"Getting into trouble is right. And is that Oro?!" Midas looked astonished.
"Yeah. Ollie, Chaos Agent and some girl he claims he killed called Hush is here too," Skye shrugged.
Out of the corner of her eye, Skye saw Jules bristle at the name "Hush". But maybe it was just a trick of the light?
"Yeah, Meowscles is with us, but we've already deciphered him as our dream. Have you deciphered yours?" Jules asked them.
"We're pretty sure it's Hush. If she's dead, she can't be dreaming," Oro suggested. It was odd; Skye didn't even see him get up.
"But aren't you dead?" India interrogated Oro.
"...I don't count!"
"Well, well, well. Look who it is," Chaos Agent remarked from the doorway. Hush looked like she wanted nothing to do with Chaos Agent, and stood there facing opposite him. Midas rolled his eyes.
"OH MY GOD!" Meowscles cried.
"What happened?" Midas asked him, not believing that he was actually Meowscles for a second.
And he was certainly right. The man-robot's suit was dirty and worn down with dirt-coloured armor-plates, other than his left shoulder, which was blue and had a hatch which something could probably go in. And that red glowy face... Skye knew who this man was.
This man was one of The Seven!
"In case you're all wondering how you're here, then I've manipulated the Zero Point from within The Spire to get you all here," the man explained.
"The what now?" Midas asked the man.
"You'll see later. You know what the Zero Point is, though?"
"Of course I do."
"And me," Jules agreed.
India, Chaos Agent and Oro nodded their agreement too.
"And me!" Skye added.
Then, she realised her mistake.
Everyone in the room looked at her as her heart sank to the floor.
"Did you say Zero Point? I thought you meant the quantum physics one, haha," Skye whimpered.
No one believed her for a second.
"Skye, how do you know about the Zero Point?" Midas asked her. His features were serious, and his golden eyes were fixed on her.
"Well, it's alright because we'll all forget this in the morning, anyway, won't we?" Skye gulped. She tried not to look at Chaos Agent gazing menacingly at Jules.
"Skye, we're serious. It's OK that you know about the Zero Point. Just, how could you possibly...?" Jules added.
Midas and Jules exchanged looks.
"I can't believe that this is about me, again," Jules rolled her eyes at Chaos Agent.
"It's the sort of thing he'd do," Hush nodded.
Then, Chaos Agent's expression changed.
"Wait, if Ollie was the dream, then that means Hush is..." Chaos Agent stuttered.
Then, he looked scared. Actually, physically scared. It was an amusing thought. He backed up against the corner of the cell and sank to the floor.
"But... No, you can't!" Chaos Agent cowered.
Hush walked over to Chaos Agent and knelt in front of him.
"Count to thirteen and I'll explain everything," Hush whispered.
"No! Stop! Stop! Well, really, it's alright because as Skye said, we'll all forget this in the morning," he shouted.
"Actually, I'm not so sure about that," India suggested.
"Well, I made this meeting so that I could warn you about future events so that maybe they wouldn't happen, but I think you've got the gist," the robot-man said.
"And who are you again?" Midas asked the man.
"Me? I'm The Foundation. And this dream ends now."

India Oscar woke up in her bed in an IO base underwater off the coast of the Island. She saw an IO assassin, Kor, in the corner of the room preparing her things. Kor claimed that she didn't work for IO, she was just there for the kill, but India didn't believe that one bit.
"What's up? Where are you going?" India asked her.
"I got an assignment. That Shadow boss, Chaos Agent, wants me to go and kill a Ghost agent, Jules, who was working undercover in The Authority for some time," Kor explained.
"Sounds interesting. Y'know, I had the strangest dream."
Just at that moment, a text appeared on India's phone. It was from Slone.
I know! Was what it said, I got it all on film.
India shuddered. That meant that Slone had been using her Dream-Reader device to poke around in her thoughts again. The idea make India feel uncomfortable.
Don't use your device on me >:/ India replied.
Never mind, thanks for the Intel! :) Slone texted back.
India sighed and turned off her phone. It was about time she got up and started getting ready anyway.


Word Count: 1895 Words

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